Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Battle Fantasia: To be the best!

altBattle Fantasia Platinum Trophy
Trophies: 38/62
Currently fighting online in ranked or player match. Not alot of people online nowadays. At first, I was trying to win a requested amount of ranked match, but after seeing someone in the leaderboard who is about 700 wins, I've decided to go for number 1 in online ranking as well. I would also try to aim for the win in player match.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

MK vs DC: Kombo Away and Arcade

Mortal Kombat vs. DC UniverseMK vs DC Universe Platinum Trophy
Trophies: 22/43
Completed 2 more Kombo challenge. That is Shao Kahn's and Liu Kang's. While doing the Kombo challenge, I have also tried to complete the arcade mode in the highest difficulty setting and without using continue. But some of the opponent cpu is giving me a hard time, those are Deathstroke, kept side stepping and Dark Kahn, he utterly destroys you without giving you the chance to retaliate. I need to work up my combo for 1 character and then try out that character on the arcade mode.

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Monday, December 27, 2010

MK VS DC: To The Challenge!

Mortal Kombat vs. DC UniverseMK vs DC Universe Platinum Trophy
Trophies: 20/43
Currently trying to complete the Kombo Challenge. I seem to have some grips on how the move / special move initiate and my execution successful rate for this game has somewhat doubled. I have managed to complete some of the combo challenge that I have had hard times with. Such as Captain marvel's, Sonya's, Jax and even DarkSeid. Maybe this is due to my intense activity on the Street Fighter IV Platinum Trophy.

While working on the MK Vs DC Title, I am also working on Battle Fantasia Platinum Trophy. Maybe this is due to my sudden interest in fighting mechanics, as my try on COD: Modern Warfare2, is of to no avail as I find myself lacking or maybe lost skills needed to play First person shooter games.


altBattle Fantasia Platinum Trophy
Trophies: 34/62
Currently trying to find some people to fight online. After that I will complete all characters story mode.

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Street Fighter IV Completed!

STREET FIGHTER ? Trophy pack.Street Fighter IV Platinum Trophy
Trophies: 48/48
I have finally completed this game. It was such an emotional experience when I see the trophy window appear in the PS3 and stated that I had just obtained 3 trophy, Icon Master, Title Master and Unbeatable Fist. I doubt that I will ever play this game due to the fact that Super Street Fighter IV is newer and the online community is stronger. But before I put my hands on SSFIV, its time to finish another game in my list.

Mortal Kombat vs. DC UniverseMK vs DC Universe Platinum Trophy
Trophies: 16/43
Need to find some friends to fight online, and finish up all the other requirements to complete the game.

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Palm Of Your Hand

I would like to share something that I received in my email today. Its about a guy who repairs punctured bicycle tire using his 2 feet. Yes, he had no arms and he used his own 2 feet better than some of us handling tools using our hands.

A quote from the email captured my attention.

"Never believe what the lines of your hand predict about your future,
b coz people who don't have hands also have a future... Believe in yourself"

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

SF4: 20 Fights

My dream of completing this game is coming true. I have only 20 more online fights to win to obtain my platinum. Feels like contacting those old friends I've been sparring with at the time this game was released. How I missed fighting in the tournament and just playing online. Sigh. time flows faster when you are busy with life. But these memories, the lost fragments that made me who I am today.

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A shirt in Home

This is the shirt you unlock when you platinum Street Fighter IV. Maybe I'll unlock it in a few days. Can't wait.


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SF4: All Hard Trials Completed!

I have finally completed all the hard trials for Street Fighter 4. Now onwards to network battle. Just need 5 more time out wins and another 25 or so for match wins. After that I will obtain arguably one of the hardest platinum of all time.

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Street Fighter 4: T.O.G.E.T.H.E.R 2011 .

STREET FIGHTER ? Trophy pack.Street Fighter IV Platinum Trophy
After evaluating all my time and effort needed for finishing / completing this game, I found out that I have so little time to give it and had gotten me so busy these few days. So now, I think the 8 plats (T.O.G.E.T.H.E.R) would have to wait. Maybe I'm not put up to be a gamer anymore, the errands of life has gotten its toll on my gaming life, and I am in a position closed to being bored with games not because I don't like it anymore, Its because I have no time to like it anymore, its all about utilizing every moment I got (playing game) to finish it, no more enjoyment in flowing through the storyline, admiring the graphics and gameplay.

Maybe to platinum Street Fighter IV is my way to fight back through life that I can actually achieve something even if Life's grips has gotten more and more tighter around my body.

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Street Fighter 4: T.O.G.E.T.H.E.R 2011

STREET FIGHTER ? Trophy pack.Street Fighter IV Platinum Trophy

What have I accomplished thus far? Finally completed the Hard time trials. Now onwards to the Hard Survivals. And waiting for a friend to get his hands back on his SF4 that had become a dust gatherer. Playing online this game should bring back lots of interesting memories.

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

T.O.G.E.T.H.E.R - 2011 Project

Up until now, I had collected too many PS3 games, and with no time to play any of it, the titles kept on piling up as new games come out and my desire to own them kept burning a whole in my wallet. On September 2010 I have decided to keep a backlog of all my games and establish a well mannered gaming time to finish it all.
What / How does one know that he / she has completed a game. Well, at first, I though that fighting the last boss of a game and seeing the end credits justify it. But then again, what about those extra missions, difficulty levels, special item to be collected, or just plainly busting that last boss *** with a high level character equipped with the most powerful weapons in the game? Or at some point to prove you are the best among the best in network battle?
Seeing My Backlog, in each game, you have an option to enter / state the achievement you have completed / collected from a game. And in some terms, you have completed the game in a sense that you have collected every achievements from that game. So, to make it simple, a 100% achievement is what I need from every game that I own to feel that I have completed it. This would also prove to be my money's worth as games are not that cheap to buy in the first place and having them bought only to be placed on the shelves doesn't help resolving the matter a bit.
In the spirit of gaming towards 2011, I have decided to finish some of these games that I have / borrow. And sync it on 31-Dec-2010 and at a specific time to be appointed to later.
The Games:
STREET FIGHTER ? Trophy pack.Street Fighter IV Platinum Trophy
Trophies: 44/48
I need to win some 68 online battles, and finish up the time trials and survivals in hard.
Modern Warfare� 2COD: Modern Warfare 2 Platinum Trophy
Trophies: 44/51
Need to find some friends to help with the Spec Ops part of the game
Mortal Kombat vs. DC UniverseMK vs DC Universe Platinum Trophy
Trophies: 16/43
Need to find some friends to fight online, and finish up all the other requirements to complete the game.
Uncharted: Drake's FortuneTUncharted: Drake's Fortune Platinum Trophy
Trophies: 26/48
Need to finish the game in Hard and Crushing mode and find all the treasures.
RESIDENT EVIL 5Resident Evil 5 Platinum Trophy
Trophies: 6/71
Need to play in Normal / Easy mode and unlock the infinite Rocket Launcher and blast through the game and finish it.
Prince of Persia Trilogy BoxshotPrince Of Persia: Trilogy Platinum TrophyPlatinum TrophyPlatinum Trophy
Trophies: 0/54
I always loved the POP series, the way the developer translates the movement of the Prince from the old games certainly deserves a praise in the Free Running arena. I would like to enjoy this game as well as to complete it.
So, up until now, I have a 8 titles to finish up by the end of December. Although I doubt I could ever do it as my schedule is quite tight these few months, I will do my best to utilize every minute I have to do so, insyaallah.

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Trine: Way Out Of The Trine

After successfully finished the last stage in Hard mode, the very hard mode suddenly unlocks. I tried to beat the final stage (Tower of Sarek) without dying in Very Hard mode. I have at least tried to beat the stage about 10 times already with no success when I decided to play back all the stages from the start in Very Hard mode.

Clearing each of the stages again in Very Hard mode have gained me some knowledge of the strength and weaknesses of each of the Trine members. I learned that the wizard can demolish his own created objects just by pressing square!. I learned that the Knight's main attack is to be the dashing attack, not by swinging your sword blindly, and I learn that the Knight can unleash a devastating attack using the hammer by jumping and stomping the ground (that move can simply kill 5-10 skeletons and bats in one blow. I learn to control the thief's cunningness, to equip her with an item that can make her fire 4 bows at once.

All my new found knowledge in the game has helped me quite a lot as when I reached the final stage, my hands started to re simulate all the muscle memory I learnt and I have managed to beat the Tower Of Sarek with just One Try. Man, such a wonderful memory when I managed to get the trophy for beating the stage on very hard without dying and getting the platinum from the game. Next, onwards to other games while this game will be occasionally played by me and my daughter.

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Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Trine: The artifact of souls

A Wizard, A Thief and A Knight. 3 different characters, joined together in a Trine to defeat the evil throughout the land and bring back peace to their kingdom. With all the games to finish in my Backloggery, I managed to find some courage to buy this game. Released price at USD40.00 and released on PSN for just USD20.00, it goes down to USD14.90 before its finally priced at USD9.90 (at the time I bought it). After playing the game for some time now, I felt like I've cheated someone to get my hands on the game. I almost felt sorry for the developer. This is one of the best platform game I have ever played in my whole life, and I got it dead cheap!.
Trine is about managing all of your skills and putting it to good use whenever you are needed to. The wizard can conjure plank, box, or axles and move stuff with his magic (telekinesis). The thief can swing from place to place, fire her arrows and move as swift as the wind. The knight has a durability of a tank and can pack mean punches and then some. He also has a shield in which he can deflect enemy fire or fireballs. Having this group as a team surely had created an image in my mind of having a character that had mastered intelligence, agility and strength regardless of the character type. Though only one character can be manifested at one time, the others can be manifested on demand. Meaning that you can create a wood type axle in the air and have the thief grab it with her rope and swing away. The knight can block enemies projectiles and then switch to the thief for some arrow vengeance
When you are playing multiplayer, its a whole different dynamic. You can now have 2 character at the screen and make up for some advantage or disadvantage at your side pertaining on your skill level. Batrisyia and I had wonderful time with this game. She would use her favourite character (Thief) which she would refer to as sister. And she would always want me to use the Wizard in which she refers to as "Grandfather". I would conjure some plank, and raise her from the ground like a magic carpet should she felt insecure to do some jump / fighting enemies. I occasionally would switch to the Knight (which she refers to as "Brother" ) to whack some skulls when the need arises.
In another note, after witnessing some improvement in thinking and problem solving that Batrisyia had shown throughout the game, I've decided to let her have her own DS3. The Titanium Blue.

I'm trying to finish playing Trine tonight and maybe Platinum it.

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Thursday, December 02, 2010

Cool Surprise

I was on my daily reading in gamespot and after finding someone to boost Street Fighter IV online trophy, decided to post something at a forum. After I submitted my post, suddenly an icon catches my attention.

This Fuse user achieved at least 75% of achievements for this game.

"Game Expert" this icon suddenly appeared below my avatar. It seems that if one has obtained 75% or more trophies in a game, they are somewhat considered a game expert. I'm not saying that this statement is 100% true. As there are some more things to learn from that initial game. But, nonetheless, for bragging rights and coolness, it does offer some freshness into your drive towards the game.. and yeah, to support other newcomers to that game as well

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Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Easy PS3 Platinum

Below are the most sought after platinum for PS3 games. This is due to the game being easy / cheap to platinum

  • Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires
  • Fritz Chess
  • Trivial Pursuit
  • Last Rebellion
  • Hasbro Family Game Night
  • WWE Legends of Wrestlemania
  • Terminator Salvation
  • Disney Pixar's Up
  • Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
  • Hannah Montana The Movie

Will I succumb to temptation and play all this game in order to obtain the platinum? Only time will tell.

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Final Fantasy XIII - The Journey

"Hope is what we simply need to proceed.."
I have finished the main plot of the game. That aside, I am now grinding for CP and GIL in Edenhall, fighting Adamantoise for its platinum ingot and trapezohedron. I already got the growth egg from the cieth mission. I am going to plat this game before 2011. That's one month from now. I need to use every single hour I got into grinding this game. As I have much more game to finish.

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