Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Palm Of Your Hand

I would like to share something that I received in my email today. Its about a guy who repairs punctured bicycle tire using his 2 feet. Yes, he had no arms and he used his own 2 feet better than some of us handling tools using our hands.

A quote from the email captured my attention.

"Never believe what the lines of your hand predict about your future,
b coz people who don't have hands also have a future... Believe in yourself"

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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?

A daughter incessantly complained to her father about her life. Things were not going well. She did not how she was going to make it through her difficulties. She was tired of fighting and struggling. She just wanted to give up on life. It seemed that just as one problem was solved, a new one arose.

Her father, a chef, took her into the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. When the water came to a boil, he place carrots in one, eggs in the second, and ground coffee beans in the third. He let them cook, without saying a word.

The daughter waited impatiently, wondering what he was doing. After twenty minutes, he turned off the fire. He fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. He scooped the eggs up and placed them a bowl. Then, he ladled the coffee out and placed it in a mug.

Turning to his daughter, he asked, "Darling, what do you see?"

"Carrots, eggs, and coffee," she replied.

He asked her to feel the carrots. She noted that they were soft. He asked her to take an egg and break it. After disposing the shell, she saw a hard-boiled egg. Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. She smiled as she tasted its rich aroma.

She asked, "What does this mean, Father?"

He explained that each had faced the same adversity - boiling water - but each reacted differently.

The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. But after being subjected to boiling water, it softened and became weak.

The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior. After being put through boiling water, its inside had become hardened.

The ground coffee beans, however, were unique. After being placed in boiling water, it had changed the water.

"Which are you?" he asked his daughter. "When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?

Are you the carrot that seems hard, but with pain and adversity, wilt, become soft and lose your strength?

Are you the egg, which starts off malleable? Were you a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a divorce, or a layoff, have you become hardened? On the outside, you look the same, but inside, are you bitter and tough with stiffened spirit and heart?

Or are you like the coffee bean? The bean changes the hot water - the thing that is bringing it pain - bringing out its flavor and aroma. When the water gets hotter, it just tastes better. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you not only get better, you improve the environment around you.

How do you handle adversity? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?”


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Saturday, September 08, 2007

Life List Dos & Don'ts

A list-a list of things you hope to do before you die-can be a great tool for helping you get more out of each day. Here, some dos & don'ts:

DO put your list in writing. Experts say the very act of writing down goals increases the chance you'll achieve them.

DO aim for a good number of goals. Between 10 and 50 is typical. Too many, and you may feel overwhelmed-too few, uninspired.

DON'T include a goal because you think you "should." Yes, many people dream of climbing mountains or visiting exotic locations, but if those types of things don't appeal to you, they'll only get in the way of what does.

DO include different types of goals: ambitious (write a novel, tour Europe, start a business), crazy (dance in your underwear, audition for American Idol), fun (go on a roadtrip, make a mud pie), self-improving (get organized, lose 10 pounds), skill-based (learn French, take a cooking lesson), world-changing (volunteer, buy a hybrid car), personal (get married, get a tattoo), risky (skydive, speak in front of at least 50 people), or even give yourself a quest (meet a celebrity, find the best taco stand in town).

DON'T worry if you can't come up with a lot of ideas for your list at first. Momentum is an amazing force. The more you do, the more you'll want to do. You can add to it as you go.

DO involve other people. Together, you can brainstorm ideas and tackle any shared goals. Plus, with friends checking in on your progress, you'll be less likely to lose steam.

DON'T be vague. If you say, "be a nicer person," it's hard to know when you can check it off your list-one grumpy day can throw the whole thing off. Try instead, "do a kind gesture for someone I love" or "go a week without yelling."

DO be realistic. If your goals seem beyond your grasp, you'll stop reaching. Sure, it's great to dream big-after all, if no one envisioned the impossible, we wouldn't have space travel or cures for diseases. But a list you can do is a list you will do.

DON'T etch your list in stone. That was fine for the Ten Commandments, but a list will serve you better if it remains a work in progress. Some things are beyond our control. If you lose your hair, for example, "grow a Mohawk" will not only seem ridiculous, but maybe even depressing. It's okay to drop goals when they're no longer relevant to you.

DO consider giving yourself a deadline, at least for some of your items, i.e., one year to check off five things.

DON'T stress yourself out. A list is supposed to be a catalyst, not a chore.

DO jump-start your list with at least one task you can do immediately. Try a new food or restaurant. Cuddle puppies at a pet store. Call an old friend. Crossing off a task right away will put things in motion and give you the impetus to keep going.

And lastly, DO have fun with it.


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Are You Motivated To Be Successful Or Do You Feel Life Is Stretching You Like A Rubberband?

The Principle of the Rubber Band:

This principle explains that being stretched can turn out to be very positive. Imagine you hold one end of a rubber band in one hand while stretching the opposite end with your other hand. The more you stretch the rubber band, the more it wants you to let go of it so it can come back to its original position. It just wants to return to its place of comfort.

Yet if we continue stretching it, that rubber band will eventually grow into a new size. When we let go of it now, it will come back some, but not the entire distance. In essence, it has developed a new dimension.

Now imagine that you dip this original rubber band into hot wax and remove it quickly. You then allow the wax to dry. At this point, if you repeat the stretching exercise you’ll notice that the wax caked around it cracks and crumbles, as you extend the rubber band. Then it falls off.

The same dynamic occurs with humans. We don’t want to get stretched, because it will involve letting go of some external layers. We are comfortable within those layers, and they may even seem to be protecting us. Yet, in fact, they are getting in the way of the new, evolving being who we already are on the inside. They are an impediment to our growth.

Like that rubber band, we must temporarily experience being uncomfortable when we stretch and grow. In the process of becoming the butterfly we were metaphorically meant to be, we are outgrowing a cocoon. The butterfly doesn’t snip off its wings and re-enter the cocoon. It knows of no such thing. But we, as human beings, have a tendency to snip our own new-grown wings so we can retreat to the cocoon that represents our old zone of comfort. Unfortunately, the zone of comfort is seldom the territory of fulfillment. The butterfly has no choice.

As human beings we have the ability to make choices. The next time you are feeling stretched and uncomfortable, pat yourself on the back and say “Good for me. I must be growing!” In fact, if you are not stretching, growing, and evolving, then you
are probably too attached to being comfortable. A true lesson of and a new level of wisdom will both arrive when you instead respect The Principle of the Rubber Band.

It is absolutely crucial that you must not judge, criticize, and compare yourself to others while you are being stretched. To do so will only make you feel stuck. You will focus on the pain of stretching, and want to go back to your old cocoon. Instead, treat yourself as compassionately as you would a child who is learning to ride a bicycle without training wheels. Give yourself extra nurturing. Drink a cup of hot tea, go for a walk, read a book, take a few deep breaths, and above all be patient. Training wheels have allowed that child to develop a sense of balance, to know how the bicycle is ultimately going to feel under their control. But if that child doesn’t eventually ride without training wheels, they will never experience how fast they can truly go, how sharply they can maneuver around obstacles, and how self-confident they can feel.

Therefore, always strive for the courage to take the extra wheels off. And one day you will do it. Because you realize that remaining in the “training wheel zone” will prevent you from reaching a new level in of manifestation and creation.

Now imagine that you are a gardener who tends a rose bush. You notice a new green bud that appears, but as the days go by it remains closed. It’s afraid of opening up. It is resisting the processes of blossoming, changing, and stretching.

Alongside it there is another new bud, one that has decided to open up and – in spite of the possibility of cold rain, tornadoes, and hurricanes – it has further decided to blossom. Once it has opened, people passing by are inspired to notice its beauty, smell its fragrance, and touch its silky pedals.

When eventually that rose dies, it’s petals fall all round. People who walk close by notice the pedals on the ground, and they know that a fully blossomed rose once existed. Meanwhile, the unopened bud also dies. It shrivels, crumbles, and falls away.
No one but the gardener ever noticed that it was alive or even notices now that it has gone.


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Consultant To Chiropractors Says She Cured Herself Of Cancer

Have you ever dreamed of having a better life, a dream home, a thriving practice? Have you ever wondered how to make those things happen in your life? Beverly Nadler did and from a young age has been making her dreams come true using the techniques espoused in ‘The Secret.’ She says that we create our lives by being in vibrational harmony with the universe.

Ms. Nadler, a renowned speaker and writer, has used her mind to accomplish many great things including curing herself of cancer, losing weight and becoming the owner of her dream home. She has hosted seminars all across the country where she has taught people how to tune into their subconscious, reprogram their minds, and attract whatever they want in life. Her emphasis is on showing individuals and companies the link between what they want, the natural laws of the universe, the programming in their subconscious, and what they get.

“Vibrational harmony simply means that everything that comes into our comes in as a result of what our energy field is in resonance with,” says Nadler. Simply put, she teaches people how to use the law of attraction and the power of thought to achieve dreams and goals in life. When people understand how universal laws work, they can bring their energy field into harmony with what they want.

Nadler has been studying how the world works since she was a young child. During her studies she discovered teachings that helped her to understand the universe and her place in it. Her teachings are based on Hermetic Philosophy, spiritual teachings, modern psychology and quantum physics. One of the first things she teaches is that everything in the universe is connected by energy. Energy is the driving force behind all life. Therefore, the energy coming from our own mind literally directs what happens in our bodies.

She believes that, “You are led to those things which fulfill a very strong, powerful intention that you have even when you’re not aware of it,” and she feels that chiropractors in particular have the ability to apply this principle to enhance their practices and their lives.

For example, chiropractors have an innate desire to help people, to heal their hurts. That’s why they go into chiropractic in the first place. According to Nadler, there is a universal power flowing through each doctor, helping him or her to bring about healing in the patient. When you hold that belief, and are willing to ask that universal power for what you want, you will start attracting the answers. You will begin to attract the patients who will best be helped by your techniques.

Nadler believes that what we want is held in our conscious minds, while what we get is determined by our subconscious programming. When we learn to bring those two minds in harmony, we can get what we want – whether that be a thriving practice or your dream house or healing for some condition that you have.


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5 Next Best Tips For Sure Fire Self Esteem And Self Improvement

1. Keep away from people who shoot you down with snide remarks and unfair criticisms.
Keep away from people who shoot you down with snide remarks and unfair criticisms. Associate with positive people. There will always be grouches and negativists who will think nothing about giving careless opinions that make other people think unworthy of praise or recognition. If you find people who make it their mission to belittle other people's achievements, keep your distance. They will not contribute anything good to your life.

2. Be yourself.
Be yourself. You'll never improve your self-esteem if you try to live and find acceptance as a projected mask of yourself. Pretending to be someone you're not will fail to affirm your uniqueness and potential and will only make you sadder about your circumstance. You can't make everyone love you, so don't try.

3. Make other people feel good about themselves.
People tend to like you more if you're honest and pleasant. Polish your listening skills and body language to make people feel comfortable. Respond to them visibly and with interest.

You might think that this is the opposite of what you want to do to improve your self-esteem but by actually focusing your attention on other people, you create an aura of likeability that they gravitate towards, making them choose you over others. And when you are singled out as a good person who's terrific to be with, your self-esteem grows.

4. You have the right to make mistakes.
You have the right to make mistakes. Nobody's perfect, regardless of what you've heard or what popular media wants you to believe. By accepting that you will make mistakes and that it's all right, you learn to recognize that it is a necessary process you need to go through in order for you to improve yourself.

5. Recognize that you are a unique individual with a different set of talents and that you have something to contribute.
Recognize that you are a unique individual with a different set of talents and that you have something to contribute. You may not be a big celebrity like Justin Timberlake, as rich as Bill Gates or as powerful as Oprah Winfrey, but your individuality makes you as important as they are, with as much right to exist and make something of yourself.

The author, Tim Ng, is a seasoned educator in a leading school. He teaches healthy styles and skills. Visit us at:


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Friday, April 20, 2007

Relationship: Happy Couple Love Tips

I was browsing through my daily dose of internet when suddenly i landed on this article. It's an interesting article of how we usually forget the simplest yet most wonderful thing in life.

A good relationship doesn't just happen. Couples who stay together for years aren't just lucky. It requires both people to actively care for and work on the relationship, just like a garden.

Communication is Key

Don't keep everything inside. Communicate with your spouse. Let them know what you are feeling and how you are feeling. Don´t be silent. It does no one any good.

Add some Flattery

To break out of the daily grind, be sure to compliment your partner on something - anything. Often people forget to comment on a pretty dress or nice shirt because they see that person every day. That quiet comment can be just the thing to lift spirits for an entire day.


When your togther remember to just have a laugh

Find a Nearby Escape

Discuss, decide and go for any interesting locations within an hour`s drive. You might be amazed at what you`d find, and it could be a great weekend getaway!

Not much time together?

If you find that due to work of school/college that you only get a small amount of time togeather then make the most of what you have. Make your partner feel loved and tell them they are loved. There are a lot of insecure people, even if they dont show it!

Watch What You Say

Think before you speak, never say anything out of anger and hold on to the special moment by making him/her know that they mean everything to you.

Wear Something New

Even if you just raid your closet for something you haven't worn in a long, long time, add a jolt of newness into your relationship. It can be great fun!

Wishing on a Star

Look up in the sky at night. Pick out a star. Call her and tell her to look out her window. Describe to her how to find the star you´re looking at. Tell her that every time you look at the star, you´ll think of her, and you´ll make a wish. Tell her to think about you whenever she looks at the star, and to also make a wish. Chances are, you´ll both end up wishing for the same thing.

Day is Done

Share a sunset with the ones you love. If it´s warm out, find a spot with a nice view of the sunset and sit with your loved one.

* Thank them for something they did for you today
* Tell them you´re glad you´re sharing this sunset
* Say "I love you."
* Share something for which you are grateful
* Tell them how much they mean to you

If you, or the ones you love can´t watch a sunset, why not watch a sunrise? Either is equally moving.


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