What If You Played Video Games for a Year Non-Stop

Hey guys! Are any of you gamers? Have you ever thought of the negative effects of video games? Or ever wondered what would happen to you if you played video games, say, for a year non-stop? Let me tell you my story. It all started a year ago, when I got a new job. I have to admit I’m quite a gamer. So when I saw the ad in the paper, I called them immediately. Wanted: Video Game Player. It turned out the offer wasn’t that simple. Yes, my job was to play video games. But all day long. 15 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days in total.

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I’d have 8 hours to sleep and a half an hour in the morning and in the evening to eat and shower. No days off, no vacation. Take it or leave it. It scared me, and I was reluctant to agree. But then the employer told me my yearly salary, and I was in. If I did it for a year, I’d never have to work again. So, I decided to give it a try.

The thing I only think about is to sleep, but even in my sleep I dream about video games

Some gamers said that the hours played is insultingly low, some even said that seems like a heaven to them. What do you think?

