5 Next Best Tips For Sure Fire Self Esteem And Self Improvement
1. Keep away from people who shoot you down with snide remarks and unfair criticisms.
Keep away from people who shoot you down with snide remarks and unfair criticisms. Associate with positive people. There will always be grouches and negativists who will think nothing about giving careless opinions that make other people think unworthy of praise or recognition. If you find people who make it their mission to belittle other people's achievements, keep your distance. They will not contribute anything good to your life.
2. Be yourself.
Be yourself. You'll never improve your self-esteem if you try to live and find acceptance as a projected mask of yourself. Pretending to be someone you're not will fail to affirm your uniqueness and potential and will only make you sadder about your circumstance. You can't make everyone love you, so don't try.
3. Make other people feel good about themselves.
People tend to like you more if you're honest and pleasant. Polish your listening skills and body language to make people feel comfortable. Respond to them visibly and with interest.
You might think that this is the opposite of what you want to do to improve your self-esteem but by actually focusing your attention on other people, you create an aura of likeability that they gravitate towards, making them choose you over others. And when you are singled out as a good person who's terrific to be with, your self-esteem grows.
4. You have the right to make mistakes.
You have the right to make mistakes. Nobody's perfect, regardless of what you've heard or what popular media wants you to believe. By accepting that you will make mistakes and that it's all right, you learn to recognize that it is a necessary process you need to go through in order for you to improve yourself.
5. Recognize that you are a unique individual with a different set of talents and that you have something to contribute.
Recognize that you are a unique individual with a different set of talents and that you have something to contribute. You may not be a big celebrity like Justin Timberlake, as rich as Bill Gates or as powerful as Oprah Winfrey, but your individuality makes you as important as they are, with as much right to exist and make something of yourself.
The author, Tim Ng, is a seasoned educator in a leading school. He teaches healthy styles and skills. Visit us at: http://www.wealthtreasure.com/
Keep away from people who shoot you down with snide remarks and unfair criticisms. Associate with positive people. There will always be grouches and negativists who will think nothing about giving careless opinions that make other people think unworthy of praise or recognition. If you find people who make it their mission to belittle other people's achievements, keep your distance. They will not contribute anything good to your life.
2. Be yourself.
Be yourself. You'll never improve your self-esteem if you try to live and find acceptance as a projected mask of yourself. Pretending to be someone you're not will fail to affirm your uniqueness and potential and will only make you sadder about your circumstance. You can't make everyone love you, so don't try.
3. Make other people feel good about themselves.
People tend to like you more if you're honest and pleasant. Polish your listening skills and body language to make people feel comfortable. Respond to them visibly and with interest.
You might think that this is the opposite of what you want to do to improve your self-esteem but by actually focusing your attention on other people, you create an aura of likeability that they gravitate towards, making them choose you over others. And when you are singled out as a good person who's terrific to be with, your self-esteem grows.
4. You have the right to make mistakes.
You have the right to make mistakes. Nobody's perfect, regardless of what you've heard or what popular media wants you to believe. By accepting that you will make mistakes and that it's all right, you learn to recognize that it is a necessary process you need to go through in order for you to improve yourself.
5. Recognize that you are a unique individual with a different set of talents and that you have something to contribute.
Recognize that you are a unique individual with a different set of talents and that you have something to contribute. You may not be a big celebrity like Justin Timberlake, as rich as Bill Gates or as powerful as Oprah Winfrey, but your individuality makes you as important as they are, with as much right to exist and make something of yourself.
The author, Tim Ng, is a seasoned educator in a leading school. He teaches healthy styles and skills. Visit us at: http://www.wealthtreasure.com/
Labels: self motivation
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