5th BattleNet Defeat

Map: Fastest Possible Map Version 7 (created by: vegito)
Player: neobita (random), farex (protoss), meng (protoss)
Cpu: 3
Mode: Freeplay

I started on the south west corner of the map and obtained minions of the zerg. Later i found out that farex is on the north side of the map and meng is on the east. I had 2 comp on the upper and on the right side of the base. They are protoss and terran respectively.

As usual, the first 10 minutes is essential in this game as computer tends to send their first wave of attack. Although not at all deadly, this devious wave could pack a lot of punch to an unsuspecting base and ultimately, destroying it. During this crucial time, i managed to hatch several group of zerglings and 3 units of lurkers. These undetected underground attackers draws enemies away from my own base. Always manage to keep enemies at bay before they got their satellite swap / detectors. After enduring the first wave, i started working to develop my main attacking units. Which is the Ultralisk, Hydralisk and some zerglings. Took me long enough to create these units as the upper and right "neighbours" of mine was almost always giving me a hard time. Leaving me no choice but to focus on my base defenses first before i can send my troops out.
Finally, my troops are ready to attack, i scouted and found meng is already busy pylo cannoning in front of his base, so does farex...

Everytime i attacked meng's arsenal of photon canon, i managed to make a dent in his defensive system. But during these time, the enemies on my border is also attacking me, destroying my defensive system bit by bit, making me feel like this is more like a melee game than a freeplay one. Luckily for me, the swarm reproduce at an astounding rate, i manage to get my full force unit back in just a jiffy.

After about an hour in the game, and numbers of my failed attempt at striking full force at meng's base, i started to get a funny feeling, more of a gamers' hunch. You can feel a gust of wind flowing above your base. This is not a good sign, i have to destroy them now, before its too late!!

I focused on training the Mutalisk and convert them to Guardians to attack ground force units and make bricks out of the opponents building as a players' lost when they have no more buildings left. The pylo cannon on meng's front base was quickly dispatched off as the guardians attack range is farther than those of the photon cannon.

Then, they came, a swarm of guardians with combination units of devourer, the beast that can attack the air units. My guardians are defenseless against meng's devourer as the guardians can only attack ground units. I now came to notice that meng has used his dark archon to convert / mind controll a zerg's drone to do his bidding. And then, so does farex. My guardians lost, meng focussed his advancement to my base, with the guardians and devourers, my base was leveled to the ground in just about 10 minutes... sad ending for such a strategic knight.

The lesson:
"Do not let an enemy that has the ability to control other units live for too long."

The maximum amount of unit one race can cater is 200, by controlling another race, the protoss will have 400 units at their disposal. The Dark Archon truly has the most powerful spell/skill in the game, the Mind Control. I might have to start using protoss from now on. But that will neglect my nature as a rusher, protoss units takes a long time to train and upgraded. Anyway, got to learn from these mistakes and try to master the use of other race. Success doesn't come in just one grasp of hand, you need to use both, and then some more.

I'll get my revenge someday friends. I'll defeat your army and be victorious. Till we meet again in the battlefield.


