Friday, December 24, 2010

Street Fighter IV Completed!

STREET FIGHTER ? Trophy pack.Street Fighter IV Platinum Trophy
Trophies: 48/48
I have finally completed this game. It was such an emotional experience when I see the trophy window appear in the PS3 and stated that I had just obtained 3 trophy, Icon Master, Title Master and Unbeatable Fist. I doubt that I will ever play this game due to the fact that Super Street Fighter IV is newer and the online community is stronger. But before I put my hands on SSFIV, its time to finish another game in my list.

Mortal Kombat vs. DC UniverseMK vs DC Universe Platinum Trophy
Trophies: 16/43
Need to find some friends to fight online, and finish up all the other requirements to complete the game.

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

SF4: 20 Fights

My dream of completing this game is coming true. I have only 20 more online fights to win to obtain my platinum. Feels like contacting those old friends I've been sparring with at the time this game was released. How I missed fighting in the tournament and just playing online. Sigh. time flows faster when you are busy with life. But these memories, the lost fragments that made me who I am today.

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A shirt in Home

This is the shirt you unlock when you platinum Street Fighter IV. Maybe I'll unlock it in a few days. Can't wait.


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SF4: All Hard Trials Completed!

I have finally completed all the hard trials for Street Fighter 4. Now onwards to network battle. Just need 5 more time out wins and another 25 or so for match wins. After that I will obtain arguably one of the hardest platinum of all time.

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Street Fighter 4: T.O.G.E.T.H.E.R 2011 .

STREET FIGHTER ? Trophy pack.Street Fighter IV Platinum Trophy
After evaluating all my time and effort needed for finishing / completing this game, I found out that I have so little time to give it and had gotten me so busy these few days. So now, I think the 8 plats (T.O.G.E.T.H.E.R) would have to wait. Maybe I'm not put up to be a gamer anymore, the errands of life has gotten its toll on my gaming life, and I am in a position closed to being bored with games not because I don't like it anymore, Its because I have no time to like it anymore, its all about utilizing every moment I got (playing game) to finish it, no more enjoyment in flowing through the storyline, admiring the graphics and gameplay.

Maybe to platinum Street Fighter IV is my way to fight back through life that I can actually achieve something even if Life's grips has gotten more and more tighter around my body.

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Street Fighter 4: T.O.G.E.T.H.E.R 2011

STREET FIGHTER ? Trophy pack.Street Fighter IV Platinum Trophy

What have I accomplished thus far? Finally completed the Hard time trials. Now onwards to the Hard Survivals. And waiting for a friend to get his hands back on his SF4 that had become a dust gatherer. Playing online this game should bring back lots of interesting memories.

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Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Street Fighter 4 Hard Trial Complete!

I have finally completed all the challenges, thanks to my fightpad. However, just like akuma, this fightpad has a very low stamina... after it successfully helped me to perform all the combos, it died out on me. At first the right directional key was pinned down (it made my character go to the right even when I'm not holding the fightpad. Then, finally it died out on me. It won't sync with the dongle. Haish... time to send my akuma fightpad back for warranty... I'm gonna miss it...


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