Wednesday, February 02, 2011

MK vs DC Universe Completed!

Mortal Kombat vs. DC UniverseMK vs DC Universe Platinum Trophy
Trophies: 43/43

I have finally completed this game. The final requirement for the platinum is somewhat challenging as I have to complete 200 vs fights. Man, 200? That is alot of fights. Nevertheless, I kept on fighting and fighting until I reached the 100 mark. Then suddenly the trophy pops in. I thought to myself whether it is a glitch of some sort.

After searching online for the answer to this "glitch" I found out that the 100 online matches I've completed recently was accounted for the whole 200, so my online 100 fights, plus 100 local fights, equals to 200!. So, there you go, all I needed was 100 local fights. I felt a bit relief as even in fighting the 100 local vs took me about 2 - 3 hours. :)

Currently I'm borrowing this game from a friend. And as I played it, I felt in love with the game and decided to buy a copy. The problem is, I bought a different region version of the game and the save file also differs. Slotting in the new game I bought, presents me with the same game, albeit the unlocked version, meaning, I have to complete the arcade mode, the story mode and the Kombo Challenge all over again, my god, KOMBO CHALLENGE?

No, definitely not now. But I will try to find sometime to complete it AGAIN just to prove my love for the game and that I really deserved the Plat.

The third spot in Gamespot is finally mine. Now onwards to other games!

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Monday, January 10, 2011

MK vs DC: Online Completed

Mortal Kombat vs. DC UniverseMK vs DC Universe Platinum Trophy
Trophies: 37/43

Finally completed the online requirement of the game. It was not that hard as the server is good and lag is of no issue, congratulation Midway, looking forward to fight online in the new Mortal Kombat coming soon. Anyway, back on my progress for MK vs DC, its all about finishing arcade mode with all the characters to view their story, and to perform all the fatalities, heroic brutalities and all the moves available to each character.

And I will finally get the 3rd Spot on Gamespot for this game :)

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Wednesday, January 05, 2011

MK vs DC: Onwards to the fights.

Mortal Kombat vs. DC UniverseMK vs DC Universe Platinum Trophy
Trophies: 32/43
After pushing my execution skills to the limit, the game finally succumb to defeat and I was able to finish all of the characters combo challenge. Tip for completing the combo challenge? Well. for me, whenever I do each character Kombo challenge, I tend to stop when I reach the hard ones, and continue to perform other character Kombo challenge. Then after a while, I will get back to finishing the Kombo challenge I left earlier. I find that this is not the best method to do so.

I realized that each character has different timing and hit boxes to master. The best is to perform each character's Kombo challenge through and through. But who could stay all day and just Kombo away right? Well, I also did this, whenever I got bored or tired of one combo challenge, I just simply stop. maybe play other games or just hanging out with my daughter or play the PSN game Fat Princess with her. Whenever I come back to MK vs DC, I would always perform all the Kombo challenge from the first. Meaning I don't simply continue to the one's I haven't finish, I perform it back from the start. This method would get my muscle memory back for that current character, it would make me remember their timing and hit boxes. And this just simplify everything. It helps to reduce the stress too. :)

Now, all that is left is to fight in the arcade mode, and online and also perform some fatalities and heroic brutality. I think I will plat this game yet.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

MK vs DC: Kombo Away and Arcade

Mortal Kombat vs. DC UniverseMK vs DC Universe Platinum Trophy
Trophies: 22/43
Completed 2 more Kombo challenge. That is Shao Kahn's and Liu Kang's. While doing the Kombo challenge, I have also tried to complete the arcade mode in the highest difficulty setting and without using continue. But some of the opponent cpu is giving me a hard time, those are Deathstroke, kept side stepping and Dark Kahn, he utterly destroys you without giving you the chance to retaliate. I need to work up my combo for 1 character and then try out that character on the arcade mode.

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Monday, December 27, 2010

MK VS DC: To The Challenge!

Mortal Kombat vs. DC UniverseMK vs DC Universe Platinum Trophy
Trophies: 20/43
Currently trying to complete the Kombo Challenge. I seem to have some grips on how the move / special move initiate and my execution successful rate for this game has somewhat doubled. I have managed to complete some of the combo challenge that I have had hard times with. Such as Captain marvel's, Sonya's, Jax and even DarkSeid. Maybe this is due to my intense activity on the Street Fighter IV Platinum Trophy.

While working on the MK Vs DC Title, I am also working on Battle Fantasia Platinum Trophy. Maybe this is due to my sudden interest in fighting mechanics, as my try on COD: Modern Warfare2, is of to no avail as I find myself lacking or maybe lost skills needed to play First person shooter games.


altBattle Fantasia Platinum Trophy
Trophies: 34/62
Currently trying to find some people to fight online. After that I will complete all characters story mode.

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Street Fighter IV Completed!

STREET FIGHTER ? Trophy pack.Street Fighter IV Platinum Trophy
Trophies: 48/48
I have finally completed this game. It was such an emotional experience when I see the trophy window appear in the PS3 and stated that I had just obtained 3 trophy, Icon Master, Title Master and Unbeatable Fist. I doubt that I will ever play this game due to the fact that Super Street Fighter IV is newer and the online community is stronger. But before I put my hands on SSFIV, its time to finish another game in my list.

Mortal Kombat vs. DC UniverseMK vs DC Universe Platinum Trophy
Trophies: 16/43
Need to find some friends to fight online, and finish up all the other requirements to complete the game.

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