Saturday, September 15, 2007

How To Treat Mesothelioma

Treatments for mesothelioma depends on the stage of the cancer,the specific part being affected, the total amount of spacebeing affected, how long one have the problem of mesothelioma,the look of the cancer cells under microscope and the age factorof the patient. These are the factors that are being consideredbefore choosing the treatment option.

Treatments for mesothelioma include Surgery, Chemotherapy andRadiation Therapy.

Surgery : There are two types of surgery available one isaggressive surgery and another one is called palliativeprocedures.

Aggressive surgery is done through a procedure named extrapleural pneumonectomy, by which the pleura, the lung, thediaphragm and the pericardium are removed. The aggressivesurgery's motive is to remove as much tumor as possible.Palliative procedures will be done when the mesothelioma diseaseis at the matured stage. The motive of this procedure is to giverelief to the patient from the symptoms.

Chemotherapy : In chemotherapy drugs are being used to treatmesothelioma cancer. The drugs may be in the form of pills orinjections. To improve the results of the chemotherapy somedrugs may be used as mix in some proportion and this has given agood improvement in the treatment results.

Radiation therapy : Radiation therapy uses radiations to killmesothelioma tumor. This procedure is complex to undergo as thetumors are surrounded by sensitive parts of our body. There arepossibilities that the heart and lungs being damaged by theradiation. Lower dose radiation is one solution to slightlyovercome from this critical issue.


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What You Need Before Filing A Mesothelioma Lawsuit

If you suffer from mesothelioma, then you likely have grounds for a mesothelioma lawsuit. Mesothelioma is a rare and deadly form of cancer, which causes malignant cells to be produced on the protective sac covering most of the bodys internal organs, mainly the lungs. Exposure to asbestos is the cause of mesothelioma; there is no known link between smoking and mesothelioma. Those with the greatest risk of developing mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles, or have been exposed to asbestos dust and fiber in other ways.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, or a family member has died as a result of mesothelioma, then you are entitled to recover compensation through a mesothelioma lawsuit against the companies that made these asbestos products.

The first step in initiating a mesothelioma lawsuit is to contact an attorney associated with a reputable mesothelioma trial law firm. Your mesothelioma attorney can recover up to millions of dollars, which will be invaluable in assisting you and your family with medical bills and other expenses associated with the disease. When searching for a mesothelioma attorney, you should be careful to choose a law firm that has the required experience and skill to aggressively represent your interests. You should be prepared to interview potential attorneys, asking questions such as how quickly their past cases have been resolved, how much compensation they have successfully obtained and how many total mesothelioma lawsuits they have dealt with.

Once you have selected an attorney, you will need to provide him or her with all relevant information regarding your diagnosis and prognosis. This information will form the basis of your mesothelioma lawsuit. One of those most important details to provide to your attorney is the time period in which you believe you were exposed to asbestos. This information is critical for two reasons. First, because as many as twenty or even thirty years will often pass before one becomes ill from asbestos exposure. Second, most states have a set time limit in which you can file your lawsuit, and it is very important that you not miss this deadline known as the statute of limitations.

Other details that your attorney will request from you include the name and location of your employer, the working conditions during the term of your employment, and whether your employer informed you that you would be exposed to asbestos during your employment. Many people are concerned because they do not know exactly where and when they were exposed to asbestos. Some people may have been exposed to asbestos numerous times. However, your mesothelioma attorney can help to pinpoint the products that you were exposed to. If necessary, your attorney will hire the services of a private investigator to find out where the exposure took place. Nick Johnson serves as lead counsel with Johnson Law Group, a personal injury law firm with principal offices located in Houston, Texas. Johnson specializes in representing plaintiffs with injury cases involving mesothelioma, nursing home abuse, medical malpractice and defective drugs


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What You Should Know About The Mesothelioma Illness

What is Mesothelioma? A lot of people are not aware of this disease and thus, die due to the delay in diagnosis. Millions of people die every year because of cancer; it is among the most pervasive illnesses every one of us is exposed to. Generally speaking, a cancer is a group of diseases characterized byalarming rapid growth of abnormal cells in the body. The disease can affect almost any part of the body and among the most commonly affected are the lungs. Cancer-causing substances are everywhere, especially in the air that we breathe so the lungs are vulnerable to several fatal diseases. One rare cancer that affects the lungs is Mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma has been popularized only because of its association with asbestos, a fibrous mineral form of magnesium silicate used in fire proofing, chemical filters, electrical insulation and others. Most of the patients diagnosed with Mesothelioma have been frequently exposed to asbestos. They are those who work in construction sites, shipyards, insulator makers and similar places. They usually inhale the impure fibersfrom the asbestos that float through the air.

It can be noted that there are about 30-50 per cent of Mesothelioma patients who did not have any exposure to asbestos,which leads to the assumption that asbestos may not be the solecause of Mesothelioma. There are some Mesothelioma patients, too, that had only little exposure to asbestos but had contracted the disease. Activities such as washing clothes of a person who has been exposed to asbestos can still put a person at high risk of Mesothelioma cancer. This disease takes years to develop so a person exposed to asbestos might be diagnosed with Mesothelioma only after 20-50 years of the exposure.

Like other forms of cancers, Mesothelioma is named after thepart which is affected by the disease. In the case of Mesothelioma, the malignant cells are found in the mesothelium, a protective sac that covers different internal organs. Thisprotective sac produces fluid that lubricates the organs, allowing them to move. They allow the beating of the heart and expanding and contracting of the lungs, for example. Specifically, Mesothelioma affects the lining of the lung and chest cavity. There are some cases, too, that the lining of the abdomen (peritoneum) is the one affected. These two types of Mesothelioma cancer are known as Pleural Mesothelioma (affecting the lungs) and Peritoneal Mesothelioma (affecting the abdomen).

Symptoms of Pleural Mesothelioma include panting, persistence of cough, loss of weight, fever and chest pain. On the other hand, Peritoneal Mesothelioma may cause swelling and pain of the abdomen and also weight loss. During the early stages of Mesothelioma, the symptoms are non-specific; thus, the disease is not immediately identified. Also, the symptoms are often mistaken as signs of pneumonia. There are instances too that the patient doesn't show any sign of this deadly cancer.

If a patient manifests any of the said symptoms, he must immediately seek a physician's help. Usually, an xray isrequired to clearly see the abnormalities in the lungs (in the case of Pleural Mesothelioma). Indications of a Mesotheliomacancer include a build-up of fluid between the pleura coveringof the chest wall and the diaphragm. In normal conditions, the mesothelial cells produce only small amount of fluid enough tolubricate the space between the chest wall and the lung.

The chance of a patient's recovery from Mesothelioma depends on the extent or stage of the disease and location of the disease. Furthermore, the person's age and the way he responds to treatment and medication can tell whether he can survive the cancer or not. Generally the patient's option for treatment include: surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and anticancer drugs.

About the author: David Arnold Livingston is an advocate for health issues and I suggests you check out:


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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My First Ebay Purchase

This is the story of how I bought my first item through ebay ( I'm new at buying through the internet, well not a typical newbie at least... I've already had my paypal account for a year. As I'm a big fan of RPG games, I would like to try and buy an original playstation game that I adore so much back in my psone days that is The Legend Of Dragoon. I already played this game once but I lost the cd. As I browse through ebay for this item, I stumbled upon the game on sale by the seller egameuniverse. The title of the item was "LEGEND OF DRAGOON PLAYSTATION 1&2 PS2 RARE GAME NEW". I saw the feedback from of the seller at 98.2% Positive. And I said to myself.. as this game doesn't cost me much at USD16.98 (shipping calculated), why don't I make this my first purchase.. hmmm. So, I go on and bid for the item and later I found out that I was the winner of the bid. So I go on to pay for the item through paypal and hours later my order was processed (that was quite fast). That was on the 28th of August 2007.

After waiting for about a week, my item finally arrived at my mailbox on the 5th of September 2007. By the way, I'm living in Malaysia and the item is located in US. And I thought to myself that this is a serious businessman, he delivers what he promised.

The item was shipped by UPS. To my surprised, the item was like forcefully put in my mailbox. (I live in an apartment so everyone can see the item in the post box as we all share the same post box area) If someone is with a devious intention in mind, they can easily snatch the item from my mailbox. I thought that if you order a package by UPS, they will ask for your acknowledgement of receipt and ask for your signature, delivering the item into the palm of your hand. Understand that I'm a working man and my time at home would be after 6.30pm. But to say that no one is at home is a lame excuse as my mom is staying with me and she's in the house 24/7. My wife showed some displeasement with how the package was delivered but she tried her very best to hide her emotions.

But as I said to you readers on the first paragraph, this is my first purchased through ebay and I don't know zit about international shipping, pardon my ignorance.

The package
The package with a foam plastic inside. Nevertheless, the package arrived and I'm eager to test my new game.

The package
Tadaa... The Legend Of Dragoon - from faraway land - US :)

The package
The game is definitely sealed and rare (greatest hits version) In a very good condition (new) and tempting.... ahh... good times... good times... As I was reminiscing some old memories while opening the package....

The package
I saw some debris (as shown in the above picture) And as I carefully examine the CD case and content. I found out that the Debris had came from the cd holder of the plastic case. This could be caused by the UPS people in which I think they just throw the items here and there without realizing the value of the content inside haisshhh... that's two down for the UPS

The package
A closeup of the Debris

The package
But, as the day breaks.... I thought to myself, its maybe just my luck and as I open and presented the cd's side by side, it came to my surprise that this game is the black labelled edition and I know in my heart still that this was a very good bargain for me and that I'm proud to buy something that I could cherish and relive my old gamers day once more

Finally I would like to extend my thanks to egameuniverse for being such a good seller and would urge UPS to be a bit gentle in handling goods as there are valued goods cherished by ones' soul eventhough its just a small box with a cheap shipping cost.


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Saturday, September 08, 2007

Buying A Personal Computer (pc)

For many people the computer industry is a seeming unsolvable jungle filled with mysterious words. Here is a guide to help you understand the personal computer and to give you the information needed to make a shopping decision you can live with so you can enjoy your PC for years to come.

A few years ago the average cheaper personal computer cost was about $1500. - $2000. And this price did not necessarily include the power to edit videos, pictures, or play games. For that you would have had to spend more on upgrades. Now things such as video editing are standard on the newest personal computers. PC’s have become less expensive than ever before and they come with more capabilities than ever.

The PC you buy will depend upon what it will be used for. Will you be surfing the Internet and email, working in spreadsheets, playing video games? Who is using the PC and what are there interests? More than likely you will have to accommodate a combination of these or maybe even all of them.

Most personal computers today offer similar capabilities so your real decision will be based upon specialties. For instance if you are mainly interested in gaming than you will be sure to spend more for a good 3D graphics card. If you want to make music you will need a good sound card. If you work all day on your computer or use it for photo editing you will want to invest in a better monitor. Also, make sure your PC has enough memory to quickly work the tasks you have planed.

To sum it up; for the best value for your dollar spend your money on the personal computer components that will best suit your needs.


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What Are Rackmount Computers?

Rack mount computers are essentially computer servers. Computer servers are not the ones you on or send emails to your friends with.

Servers perform a small number of specialized operations, some as little as a single operation, but they have the ability to perform it millions of times over and over again, quickly and flawlessly. And when one server is no longer adequate to handle the volume of transactions that a business may require, other, bigger, more powerful servers are needed. When the new servers arrive, they are networked into the system and to save space, are mounted on racks.

When the business with the servers is a steel company, or an automobile manufacturer, industrial rac mount computers are the standard. Stored in rugged steel frames, stackable in standard 19-inch racks, industrial rack mount computers are used for database servers, web servers and networks. Furthermore they are also quite commonly used in laboratory and workshop environments.

Linux is a special operating system that is basically a version of Unix, which has become the foundation of the Internet. When ISP’s like AOL and others came into existence, the amount of servers they needed to accommodate millions of customers eager to surf the web was staggering. In order to make space for that amount of computers, a special rack mounted unit was created to hold the Linux servers. Dubbed the Linux Rack mount Computer system, it became the choice for all of the new Internet businesses all over the world. Soon after, manufacturers of the Linux Rack mount Computer racks where inundated with orders and quickly fell behind schedule.

It took a while for Intel to catch up with it’s rivals, but once they did, the Xeon Rack mount Computers quickly overtook everyone else in the field and became the gold standard among all of the rack mounted computers being installed.


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Donate Your Old Cellular Phone To Support A Worthy Cause

With new features being added to cellular phones at an incredible rate, you may be considering upgrading your phone to a newer model. If you want to use your phone to send e-mail, take pictures, play games, or access the Internet, a new cellular phone can be an appealing option. As an added benefit, you can also donate your old phone to one of several worthy causes.

Charitable organizations that serve abused women are in desperate need of old cellular phones. The phones are refurbished and given to victims of domestic violence to provide emergency access to potentially lifesaving services. Call to Protect and Verizon Wireless HopeLine are two examples of charitable organizations that will accept unwanted cellular phones for this purpose. Unlike many other charitable organizations, Call to Protect will even accept a non-working cellular phone.

Many schools and community groups participate in PhoneRaiser, a unique fundraising program that allows participants to collect old cellular phones and donate the proceeds to a charity of their choice. PhoneRaising is sponsored by the CTIA Wireless Foundation, the wireless industry’s philanthropic organization.

Goodwill is another possible option for people looking to donate their old cellular phones. However, Goodwill will only accept phones that meet certain technology and age requirements. Proceeds earned from the sale of old cellular phones support Goodwill’s job training and employment programs.

If you decide to donate your unwanted cellular phone to a worthy cause, remember to deactivate your service before donating the phone. For tax purposes, it’s also a good idea to get a receipt if you’re donating your cellular phone to a 501(c)3 organization.

Millions of older but still usable cellular phones are dumped in landfills across the country each year by consumers craving the latest technology. Donating your unwanted cellular phone to a worthy charitable organization is the environmentally-friendly solution if you’re looking to upgrade your phone.


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Why We Play Games

There exists some ephemeral quality that separates gamers from the rest of humanity, some thing that makes us, us and them, not us. I've never been able to quite put my finger on it, but it is inescapably there. Today, in hopes of moving closer to that essential quality of gamerosity, we examine part of what makes us tick. In particular, we take a look at what draws different types of gamers to the hobby. Every gamer plays for different reasons, but there are common threads that tie the experience together.

Many gamers are motivated by the challenge a game can present. Success in a game may be governed by any of a wide variety of abilities. A First Person Shooter requires twitch reflexes, a steady hand and the ability to remain calm under pressure. A word puzzle game may require an extensive vocabulary and the ability to rethink the uses of old words, but no measure of speed. A sports simulation might well require an in-depth knowledge of the topic, in addition to arcade skill, but is unlikely to have terribly much concern for linguistic acumen.

The common thread is that all of the games challenge some subset of a player's abilities. This challenge can be a powerful motivator. The Challenge Motivated gamer is drawn to a game that tests their skills, preferably one that tests them to their limits. The gamer may also be motivated by the natural improvement that comes from working at peak. They are driven then, not only to excel, but to improve. Challenge Motivated Gamers thrive whenever a game pushes their skill set of choice, but may be disinterested in games that fall too far away from the target.

Competition is a close cousin of challenge. Many gamers are driven by the need to prove they are the best, to be pitted against their fellows and come out on top. Competition minded gamers range from those looking for a challenge in a fair fight to the sort of win-at-all cost leet speaking infants that give us all a bad name. Competition can be easy to take too far. There is nothing inherently wrong with being driven by competition. To some extent, competition is merely challenge taken to the extreme. It is only when it leads to mistreating your fellow player that it begins to become less a motivation and more an unfortunate personality quirk. Competition Motivated players thrive on those games where they are pitted against one another with the outcome dictated by skill at playing the game. They will often wane in those environments that either require cooperation, such as many MMORPGs, or in games where skill plays a much smaller role, such as in less sophisticated card or dice games


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Admit It-You're Often Bored

A pocket pc has about a million uses. But one of the most popular uses of a pocket pc is to on it. Nearly everyone plays games on their pda, whether they will admit it or not. Of course, die-hard game enthusiasts prefer full versions of pocket pc games. A definite added bonus is if these full versions pocket pc games are free.

To find full versions of pocket pc games free is not actually very difficult. Free game downloads for your pda are available on tons of freeware sites, or as shareware for very little money. Palm pilot games are very affordable. These freeware games also work with any operating system, so you can download any kind of game your heart desires for your pda.

Casino games, arcade games, action games, strategy games, and sports games-you can find them all for free online just by searching the Internet. These full versions generally have good graphics and plenty of levels to keep your interested. In fact, why pay for games for your pda when you can get them as freeware instead?

Enterprising companies like Compaq and HP are including fun games for free with their palm pilots, and so are other companies that sell pdas. Playing palm pilot games is one of the top uses for a pda. Gaming is a great way to pass the time, so why feel guilty about using your pda for games? Entertain yourself when you are bored, no matter where you are.


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Mobile Content: An Expression Of Individuality

Cell phones were created with the purpose of facilitating communication on the go. With the advancement of technology, cell phones matured into devices that are able to send text messages, surf the internet and even play games. Today, cell phones are one of the most important items an individual could own. We bring our cell phones with us everywhere, and they have essentially become an extension of our own self and a way to express our own unique individuality.

Think about it. Your friends most likely all have cell phones. Each cell phone has a different background image, a unique ringtone and even a cute animated screensaver. No two cell phones are ever the same. Your friends have downloaded different games than you and purchased trendy faceplates to reflect their own personality.

The sales of mobile content and mobile accessories have sky-rocketed over the last few years and they are still expected to increase drastically. More and more cell phones are being purchased, and consumers are continually changing the look and feel of their own cell phone. This is definitely a market area of interest for savvy investors.

Opening a mobile content delivery store is the new thing. Successful business entrepreneurs are taking advantage of this new opportunity fast and making a name for themselves in the world of mobile media. “It’s easy”, says Larry Lehoux CEO of the Data Corp a leading developer in mobile delivery software. “We’ve taken a very complicated process and made it simple. Mobiletoolbox, provides all the tools needed to sell mobile media- including content conversion, mobile delivery and sales management.”


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Customer Lifetime Value The Most Important Measurement In Your Business

When I ask, all the people that I meet in business, if they know their top 10 customers, most proudly announce that they do. Then, when I then ask who their top 10 most profitable customers are, it is normally a very different look. Do you know? And why would you care? This article explores the importance of knowing the lifetime value of your customers and how to calculate it. This way, you can spot trends as they happen, and make the most from them.

How do you calculate your profitability?

You will need to apply some simple accounting rules in relation to fixed and variable costs. Stop yawning and stick with me, since this is important. OK, maybe you have a good accountant; they will be able to help you out – if not, get a new one!

To calculate your fixed costs, look at all the items that you spend money on every year. Things like; rent, light, telephone, salary costs, etc. When you have the total, then divide that by the amount of customers you have, and that is the amount you will assign as the fixed cost to each customer.

To calculate your variable costs, you will need to add up the cost of goods sold. Items such as; material costs, variable manufacturing costs, sales commissions, lead generation costs, service costs, etc.

This will give you a total cost of doing business, and what most companies do, is apply the variable costs the same way as the fixed costs and calculate an average margin. For example if you had turnover of €100, and your fixed costs were €30 and the variable costs for the year were €40, your margin would be €30 or 30%.

How do you calculate individual customer profitability?
You have your average margin, what you now need to do is to divide your customers into groups. Suggestions would be as follows;

Top 5 revenue earning customers
Middle 5 revenue earning customers
Bottom 5 revenue earning customers
5 customers in each industry
Additional metrics may include

Number of employees
Sales representative looking after them
Products they buy

Once you have your rankings, then try and apply the above calculations to each segment. Apply your fixed costs as a proportion of revenue each customer generates.

Now apply the variable costs to each customer segment. Some products may cost more to produce. Some locations may cost more to service, and some of your larger customers may seek larger discounts, which can all eat into your margin.

Calculating the lifetime value of a customer

Once you have an average profit per segment, you can create the average profit per segment. Just by getting this far you will have obtained huge insights you’re your customer base.

You will finally need to look at how long your average customer stays with you, and how much they buy. So say customer X, has been with you for 6 years, has spent €500 with you, and the margin has been 20%. That means the customer has generated €100 for your bottom line.

That is the secret to successful business – knowing the lifetime value of a customer.

Now you know the Lifetime Value – what next?

Whatever the answer you come up with, you now will have the secret to multiplying your profits. Select the groups that deliver you the most lifetime value. With this information you can do the following.

Work out how much you are prepared to spend to get a new customer that will deliver you €100. Use this as the basis of your marketing plan

Love your existing customers in those segments, and continue to sell to them.

Identify the least profitable ones, and either relinquish your attention on them, or find ways to increase the value they deliver to you.

Use the information gained, to target your marketing and lead generation activities on similar types of prospects.

Ask each one of them for two referrals, after all, since they are giving you so much profit, they must be happy!

The above exercise is one that should yield you massive returns on the time spent. However, once completed, you should seriously consider putting in a system, which tracks this information as you go on. This way, you can spot trends as they happen, and make the most from them.


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Life List Dos & Don'ts

A list-a list of things you hope to do before you die-can be a great tool for helping you get more out of each day. Here, some dos & don'ts:

DO put your list in writing. Experts say the very act of writing down goals increases the chance you'll achieve them.

DO aim for a good number of goals. Between 10 and 50 is typical. Too many, and you may feel overwhelmed-too few, uninspired.

DON'T include a goal because you think you "should." Yes, many people dream of climbing mountains or visiting exotic locations, but if those types of things don't appeal to you, they'll only get in the way of what does.

DO include different types of goals: ambitious (write a novel, tour Europe, start a business), crazy (dance in your underwear, audition for American Idol), fun (go on a roadtrip, make a mud pie), self-improving (get organized, lose 10 pounds), skill-based (learn French, take a cooking lesson), world-changing (volunteer, buy a hybrid car), personal (get married, get a tattoo), risky (skydive, speak in front of at least 50 people), or even give yourself a quest (meet a celebrity, find the best taco stand in town).

DON'T worry if you can't come up with a lot of ideas for your list at first. Momentum is an amazing force. The more you do, the more you'll want to do. You can add to it as you go.

DO involve other people. Together, you can brainstorm ideas and tackle any shared goals. Plus, with friends checking in on your progress, you'll be less likely to lose steam.

DON'T be vague. If you say, "be a nicer person," it's hard to know when you can check it off your list-one grumpy day can throw the whole thing off. Try instead, "do a kind gesture for someone I love" or "go a week without yelling."

DO be realistic. If your goals seem beyond your grasp, you'll stop reaching. Sure, it's great to dream big-after all, if no one envisioned the impossible, we wouldn't have space travel or cures for diseases. But a list you can do is a list you will do.

DON'T etch your list in stone. That was fine for the Ten Commandments, but a list will serve you better if it remains a work in progress. Some things are beyond our control. If you lose your hair, for example, "grow a Mohawk" will not only seem ridiculous, but maybe even depressing. It's okay to drop goals when they're no longer relevant to you.

DO consider giving yourself a deadline, at least for some of your items, i.e., one year to check off five things.

DON'T stress yourself out. A list is supposed to be a catalyst, not a chore.

DO jump-start your list with at least one task you can do immediately. Try a new food or restaurant. Cuddle puppies at a pet store. Call an old friend. Crossing off a task right away will put things in motion and give you the impetus to keep going.

And lastly, DO have fun with it.


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Are You Motivated To Be Successful Or Do You Feel Life Is Stretching You Like A Rubberband?

The Principle of the Rubber Band:

This principle explains that being stretched can turn out to be very positive. Imagine you hold one end of a rubber band in one hand while stretching the opposite end with your other hand. The more you stretch the rubber band, the more it wants you to let go of it so it can come back to its original position. It just wants to return to its place of comfort.

Yet if we continue stretching it, that rubber band will eventually grow into a new size. When we let go of it now, it will come back some, but not the entire distance. In essence, it has developed a new dimension.

Now imagine that you dip this original rubber band into hot wax and remove it quickly. You then allow the wax to dry. At this point, if you repeat the stretching exercise you’ll notice that the wax caked around it cracks and crumbles, as you extend the rubber band. Then it falls off.

The same dynamic occurs with humans. We don’t want to get stretched, because it will involve letting go of some external layers. We are comfortable within those layers, and they may even seem to be protecting us. Yet, in fact, they are getting in the way of the new, evolving being who we already are on the inside. They are an impediment to our growth.

Like that rubber band, we must temporarily experience being uncomfortable when we stretch and grow. In the process of becoming the butterfly we were metaphorically meant to be, we are outgrowing a cocoon. The butterfly doesn’t snip off its wings and re-enter the cocoon. It knows of no such thing. But we, as human beings, have a tendency to snip our own new-grown wings so we can retreat to the cocoon that represents our old zone of comfort. Unfortunately, the zone of comfort is seldom the territory of fulfillment. The butterfly has no choice.

As human beings we have the ability to make choices. The next time you are feeling stretched and uncomfortable, pat yourself on the back and say “Good for me. I must be growing!” In fact, if you are not stretching, growing, and evolving, then you
are probably too attached to being comfortable. A true lesson of and a new level of wisdom will both arrive when you instead respect The Principle of the Rubber Band.

It is absolutely crucial that you must not judge, criticize, and compare yourself to others while you are being stretched. To do so will only make you feel stuck. You will focus on the pain of stretching, and want to go back to your old cocoon. Instead, treat yourself as compassionately as you would a child who is learning to ride a bicycle without training wheels. Give yourself extra nurturing. Drink a cup of hot tea, go for a walk, read a book, take a few deep breaths, and above all be patient. Training wheels have allowed that child to develop a sense of balance, to know how the bicycle is ultimately going to feel under their control. But if that child doesn’t eventually ride without training wheels, they will never experience how fast they can truly go, how sharply they can maneuver around obstacles, and how self-confident they can feel.

Therefore, always strive for the courage to take the extra wheels off. And one day you will do it. Because you realize that remaining in the “training wheel zone” will prevent you from reaching a new level in of manifestation and creation.

Now imagine that you are a gardener who tends a rose bush. You notice a new green bud that appears, but as the days go by it remains closed. It’s afraid of opening up. It is resisting the processes of blossoming, changing, and stretching.

Alongside it there is another new bud, one that has decided to open up and – in spite of the possibility of cold rain, tornadoes, and hurricanes – it has further decided to blossom. Once it has opened, people passing by are inspired to notice its beauty, smell its fragrance, and touch its silky pedals.

When eventually that rose dies, it’s petals fall all round. People who walk close by notice the pedals on the ground, and they know that a fully blossomed rose once existed. Meanwhile, the unopened bud also dies. It shrivels, crumbles, and falls away.
No one but the gardener ever noticed that it was alive or even notices now that it has gone.


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Why Have Honeymoons?

Honeymoons are as much a part of any weddings as the wedding preparation and the wedding day itself. It is usually included in the budgeting and planning of a wedding that, for most, weddings are never complete without a honeymoon.

Origins of Honeymoon

Honeymoon is said to have originated from the Norse people where the husband-to-be abducts the bride from a nearby village. He then takes her into hiding for some time without her family knowing where she is. Only his friends know where they are and give the bride’s family the assurance they need that she is fine. Once her family stops searching for her, the new husband and wife then return to their people with a child growing in her belly.

Others claim that during the time of Babylon, a honey-based drink called mead is given to the groom by the bride’s father. The groom then drinks it for the duration of the first month (first moon cycle) of his marriage to the bride. This is said to boost the fertility and virility of the newly-wedded couple.

Modern Honeymoon

Generally, the newlyweds have their honeymoon right after their wedding as their own and private celebration of their union and their together. The honeymoon is typically a trip spent together in a place away from their home for the purpose of seclusion and intimacy. This also serves as a rest period after all the hassles and headaches that come with the wedding preparation and the anxiety and excitement of the wedding day itself. It is the perfect opportunity for the newlyweds to spend time with each other away from their usual lives, and it will be a start for them in getting to know each other better.

Favorite Honeymoon Spots

As this is a considered a part of the wedding process, the couple either saved up for the honeymoon or received a honeymoon trip as a gift from their parents or close friends. The most common and favorite destinations of newlyweds are the beaches and resorts in famous spots like Hawaii and the Mediterranean. Some couples take cruises and enjoy quality time spent lazing around and enjoying each other’s company. Going to Mexico and enjoying its rich cultural heritage is also a favorite among newlyweds.

But for those who want to save some money, a simple out-of-town travel and staying at their favorite hotel is enough. Honeymoon does not mean visiting exotic places. It means quality time for the newlyweds.

Life After the Wedding and Honeymoon

It does not matter if the newlyweds went on a honeymoon or not. It does not make or break a marriage. In fact, honeymoon does not mean that you have to be in exotic places to enjoy each other’s company. Take the intimacy honeymoon connotes into your busy daily lives and treat your every day like it is still the honeymoon phase of your marriage.

Marriage should never be taken lightly. As they enter married life, they are sharing the beauty of living with someone they love and cherish. Not only will they be sharing their lives together but their dreams, aspirations, hard works, joys, triumphs, losses, and hard times as well


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Consultant To Chiropractors Says She Cured Herself Of Cancer

Have you ever dreamed of having a better life, a dream home, a thriving practice? Have you ever wondered how to make those things happen in your life? Beverly Nadler did and from a young age has been making her dreams come true using the techniques espoused in ‘The Secret.’ She says that we create our lives by being in vibrational harmony with the universe.

Ms. Nadler, a renowned speaker and writer, has used her mind to accomplish many great things including curing herself of cancer, losing weight and becoming the owner of her dream home. She has hosted seminars all across the country where she has taught people how to tune into their subconscious, reprogram their minds, and attract whatever they want in life. Her emphasis is on showing individuals and companies the link between what they want, the natural laws of the universe, the programming in their subconscious, and what they get.

“Vibrational harmony simply means that everything that comes into our comes in as a result of what our energy field is in resonance with,” says Nadler. Simply put, she teaches people how to use the law of attraction and the power of thought to achieve dreams and goals in life. When people understand how universal laws work, they can bring their energy field into harmony with what they want.

Nadler has been studying how the world works since she was a young child. During her studies she discovered teachings that helped her to understand the universe and her place in it. Her teachings are based on Hermetic Philosophy, spiritual teachings, modern psychology and quantum physics. One of the first things she teaches is that everything in the universe is connected by energy. Energy is the driving force behind all life. Therefore, the energy coming from our own mind literally directs what happens in our bodies.

She believes that, “You are led to those things which fulfill a very strong, powerful intention that you have even when you’re not aware of it,” and she feels that chiropractors in particular have the ability to apply this principle to enhance their practices and their lives.

For example, chiropractors have an innate desire to help people, to heal their hurts. That’s why they go into chiropractic in the first place. According to Nadler, there is a universal power flowing through each doctor, helping him or her to bring about healing in the patient. When you hold that belief, and are willing to ask that universal power for what you want, you will start attracting the answers. You will begin to attract the patients who will best be helped by your techniques.

Nadler believes that what we want is held in our conscious minds, while what we get is determined by our subconscious programming. When we learn to bring those two minds in harmony, we can get what we want – whether that be a thriving practice or your dream house or healing for some condition that you have.


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5 Next Best Tips For Sure Fire Self Esteem And Self Improvement

1. Keep away from people who shoot you down with snide remarks and unfair criticisms.
Keep away from people who shoot you down with snide remarks and unfair criticisms. Associate with positive people. There will always be grouches and negativists who will think nothing about giving careless opinions that make other people think unworthy of praise or recognition. If you find people who make it their mission to belittle other people's achievements, keep your distance. They will not contribute anything good to your life.

2. Be yourself.
Be yourself. You'll never improve your self-esteem if you try to live and find acceptance as a projected mask of yourself. Pretending to be someone you're not will fail to affirm your uniqueness and potential and will only make you sadder about your circumstance. You can't make everyone love you, so don't try.

3. Make other people feel good about themselves.
People tend to like you more if you're honest and pleasant. Polish your listening skills and body language to make people feel comfortable. Respond to them visibly and with interest.

You might think that this is the opposite of what you want to do to improve your self-esteem but by actually focusing your attention on other people, you create an aura of likeability that they gravitate towards, making them choose you over others. And when you are singled out as a good person who's terrific to be with, your self-esteem grows.

4. You have the right to make mistakes.
You have the right to make mistakes. Nobody's perfect, regardless of what you've heard or what popular media wants you to believe. By accepting that you will make mistakes and that it's all right, you learn to recognize that it is a necessary process you need to go through in order for you to improve yourself.

5. Recognize that you are a unique individual with a different set of talents and that you have something to contribute.
Recognize that you are a unique individual with a different set of talents and that you have something to contribute. You may not be a big celebrity like Justin Timberlake, as rich as Bill Gates or as powerful as Oprah Winfrey, but your individuality makes you as important as they are, with as much right to exist and make something of yourself.

The author, Tim Ng, is a seasoned educator in a leading school. He teaches healthy styles and skills. Visit us at:


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Mindset To Attract Money

Of the many personal development books about attracting money that I have read, I have found a common thread on the basics of money attraction. Similarly, when you go online and search on the same subject, the same tips will be found.

So what is the fundamental foundation to attract money and wealth? It is your thinking and mindset that will set the stage for attracting money. So in order to be able to attract money naturally, you must learn how to use mindset to attract money.

You need to train your mind into believing that you already have what you wanted, and then your will miraculously change to reflect your new belief. The following attracting money mindset tips may sound like mumbo jumbo hocus pocus to you, but they are common refrains from great money making gurus. They constantly repeat these 5 tips to train their mind to attract wealth and money.

Tip 1 - Act and behave like you are already rich.You must act and believe you have always wanted is already yours. In this instance, it is money. So act as if you already have the money you wish to have. Ask yourself, if I am already rich, what would I do, how would I act, how would I feel, and then act, feel and do it.

By behaving and acting rich, you are teaching your mind that you are expanding your limitations, and as you practice this you will begin to purchase more of the things you want in your and the money will come to you to pay for them. Want to be rich, then do this. This is the law of the universe.

Tip 2 - Be thankful and show gratitude for any money you receive. To attract money, you must show gratitude for the money which is already in your life. Instead of complaining how little money you have, be grateful that you already have money and will have more and give thanks to God or whatever greater power you believe in.

The next time when you get some money, instead of barely noticing it, take a few moments to give thanks to the universe or God for bringing this money into your wallet or bank account. Every time you receive your paycheck or every time you earned some money do stop and appreciate the fact that money is flowing into your life. By being grateful for money flowing to you, more money will be attracted to you.

Tip 3 - Find a dime on the sidewalk, keep it.In order to attract money into your life, your subconscious mind must be open to the idea of money flowing to you. You must be open and receptive to any money coming to you from any moral source. If you see a dime on the street, and your usual reaction is probably to ignore it. By doing that, you are teaching your subconscious mind that you are not willing to put out effort for money.

Your subconscious mind cannot distinguish between a dime and a million bucks. All that your mind registers is how you feel and that thought will be stashed somewhere in your subconscious mind that you do not want to attract money.

This mindset can also come in many other forms such as whenever you do not accept a gift or do not charge someone for work done or charge them way less than you should be or you sell a product for less than it is worth, you are creating the same emotions. So if you want to attract money, you must accept the money that is rightfully yours including that dime on the street.

Tip 4 - Be open to money making opportunities
Ask yourself this question. Why it is rich people always have money making opportunities and that you don't? The answer is that you are simply not looking for opportunities hard enough or when opportunities come along, you are too lazy to take them or are even skeptical.

The difference between rich and poor people is that rich people realize that new opportunities are always all around them. You simply need to keep a look out for the opportunities, keep an open mind, and be prepared to take advantage when the opportunity comes knocking and do open the door when opportunities knock. In this way, you will attract wealth and money naturally.

Someone once said, luck is when opportunity meets preparation. If you want to find money making opportunities in your then you must be prepared to take advantage of them when they come. By doing so, you will be blessed with more incredible luck than you have ever experienced. Still skeptical? If you are, then you will hardly have any money making opportunies.

Tip 5 - Do something that makes you feel good
Do something that makes you feel good? I can hear you say that I don't have to tell you this. Everyone also wants to do things that make them feel good. When you feel good, your energy and mood rises, you will feel optimistic and positive and these attitudes will attract more of the things into your which make you feel good such as money and wealth.

Now that you know the mindset on how to attract wealth and money, keep these money making mindset tips in your mind and act on them daily. After a few weeks or months, just sit back and watch more and more money flowing to you.


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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

A husband's thoughts

Today, 4th September 2007

I've taken my second leave from my new post as a programmer being just two month started working. Well, as a man and soon to be father, I need to be there for my wife who is pregnant. She needs to be taken to appointments to see the doctor at the polyclinic and the hospital. I hope and pray that we will be blessed with a child who is cute, healty in perfect condition and good behaviours.

Anxious as i maybe, i cannot avoid the feelings of guilt. What can a husband do when your wife is telling you about her back cramps, headache, stomach discomfort... if only i could share the things that my wife felt.. alas.. as much as i can, i would like to be there when she needs me, period.


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