Donate Your Old Cellular Phone To Support A Worthy Cause

With new features being added to cellular phones at an incredible rate, you may be considering upgrading your phone to a newer model. If you want to use your phone to send e-mail, take pictures, play games, or access the Internet, a new cellular phone can be an appealing option. As an added benefit, you can also donate your old phone to one of several worthy causes.

Charitable organizations that serve abused women are in desperate need of old cellular phones. The phones are refurbished and given to victims of domestic violence to provide emergency access to potentially lifesaving services. Call to Protect and Verizon Wireless HopeLine are two examples of charitable organizations that will accept unwanted cellular phones for this purpose. Unlike many other charitable organizations, Call to Protect will even accept a non-working cellular phone.

Many schools and community groups participate in PhoneRaiser, a unique fundraising program that allows participants to collect old cellular phones and donate the proceeds to a charity of their choice. PhoneRaising is sponsored by the CTIA Wireless Foundation, the wireless industry’s philanthropic organization.

Goodwill is another possible option for people looking to donate their old cellular phones. However, Goodwill will only accept phones that meet certain technology and age requirements. Proceeds earned from the sale of old cellular phones support Goodwill’s job training and employment programs.

If you decide to donate your unwanted cellular phone to a worthy cause, remember to deactivate your service before donating the phone. For tax purposes, it’s also a good idea to get a receipt if you’re donating your cellular phone to a 501(c)3 organization.

Millions of older but still usable cellular phones are dumped in landfills across the country each year by consumers craving the latest technology. Donating your unwanted cellular phone to a worthy charitable organization is the environmentally-friendly solution if you’re looking to upgrade your phone.


