Saturday, September 08, 2007

Buying A Personal Computer (pc)

For many people the computer industry is a seeming unsolvable jungle filled with mysterious words. Here is a guide to help you understand the personal computer and to give you the information needed to make a shopping decision you can live with so you can enjoy your PC for years to come.

A few years ago the average cheaper personal computer cost was about $1500. - $2000. And this price did not necessarily include the power to edit videos, pictures, or play games. For that you would have had to spend more on upgrades. Now things such as video editing are standard on the newest personal computers. PC’s have become less expensive than ever before and they come with more capabilities than ever.

The PC you buy will depend upon what it will be used for. Will you be surfing the Internet and email, working in spreadsheets, playing video games? Who is using the PC and what are there interests? More than likely you will have to accommodate a combination of these or maybe even all of them.

Most personal computers today offer similar capabilities so your real decision will be based upon specialties. For instance if you are mainly interested in gaming than you will be sure to spend more for a good 3D graphics card. If you want to make music you will need a good sound card. If you work all day on your computer or use it for photo editing you will want to invest in a better monitor. Also, make sure your PC has enough memory to quickly work the tasks you have planed.

To sum it up; for the best value for your dollar spend your money on the personal computer components that will best suit your needs.


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What Are Rackmount Computers?

Rack mount computers are essentially computer servers. Computer servers are not the ones you on or send emails to your friends with.

Servers perform a small number of specialized operations, some as little as a single operation, but they have the ability to perform it millions of times over and over again, quickly and flawlessly. And when one server is no longer adequate to handle the volume of transactions that a business may require, other, bigger, more powerful servers are needed. When the new servers arrive, they are networked into the system and to save space, are mounted on racks.

When the business with the servers is a steel company, or an automobile manufacturer, industrial rac mount computers are the standard. Stored in rugged steel frames, stackable in standard 19-inch racks, industrial rack mount computers are used for database servers, web servers and networks. Furthermore they are also quite commonly used in laboratory and workshop environments.

Linux is a special operating system that is basically a version of Unix, which has become the foundation of the Internet. When ISP’s like AOL and others came into existence, the amount of servers they needed to accommodate millions of customers eager to surf the web was staggering. In order to make space for that amount of computers, a special rack mounted unit was created to hold the Linux servers. Dubbed the Linux Rack mount Computer system, it became the choice for all of the new Internet businesses all over the world. Soon after, manufacturers of the Linux Rack mount Computer racks where inundated with orders and quickly fell behind schedule.

It took a while for Intel to catch up with it’s rivals, but once they did, the Xeon Rack mount Computers quickly overtook everyone else in the field and became the gold standard among all of the rack mounted computers being installed.


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Donate Your Old Cellular Phone To Support A Worthy Cause

With new features being added to cellular phones at an incredible rate, you may be considering upgrading your phone to a newer model. If you want to use your phone to send e-mail, take pictures, play games, or access the Internet, a new cellular phone can be an appealing option. As an added benefit, you can also donate your old phone to one of several worthy causes.

Charitable organizations that serve abused women are in desperate need of old cellular phones. The phones are refurbished and given to victims of domestic violence to provide emergency access to potentially lifesaving services. Call to Protect and Verizon Wireless HopeLine are two examples of charitable organizations that will accept unwanted cellular phones for this purpose. Unlike many other charitable organizations, Call to Protect will even accept a non-working cellular phone.

Many schools and community groups participate in PhoneRaiser, a unique fundraising program that allows participants to collect old cellular phones and donate the proceeds to a charity of their choice. PhoneRaising is sponsored by the CTIA Wireless Foundation, the wireless industry’s philanthropic organization.

Goodwill is another possible option for people looking to donate their old cellular phones. However, Goodwill will only accept phones that meet certain technology and age requirements. Proceeds earned from the sale of old cellular phones support Goodwill’s job training and employment programs.

If you decide to donate your unwanted cellular phone to a worthy cause, remember to deactivate your service before donating the phone. For tax purposes, it’s also a good idea to get a receipt if you’re donating your cellular phone to a 501(c)3 organization.

Millions of older but still usable cellular phones are dumped in landfills across the country each year by consumers craving the latest technology. Donating your unwanted cellular phone to a worthy charitable organization is the environmentally-friendly solution if you’re looking to upgrade your phone.


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Admit It-You're Often Bored

A pocket pc has about a million uses. But one of the most popular uses of a pocket pc is to on it. Nearly everyone plays games on their pda, whether they will admit it or not. Of course, die-hard game enthusiasts prefer full versions of pocket pc games. A definite added bonus is if these full versions pocket pc games are free.

To find full versions of pocket pc games free is not actually very difficult. Free game downloads for your pda are available on tons of freeware sites, or as shareware for very little money. Palm pilot games are very affordable. These freeware games also work with any operating system, so you can download any kind of game your heart desires for your pda.

Casino games, arcade games, action games, strategy games, and sports games-you can find them all for free online just by searching the Internet. These full versions generally have good graphics and plenty of levels to keep your interested. In fact, why pay for games for your pda when you can get them as freeware instead?

Enterprising companies like Compaq and HP are including fun games for free with their palm pilots, and so are other companies that sell pdas. Playing palm pilot games is one of the top uses for a pda. Gaming is a great way to pass the time, so why feel guilty about using your pda for games? Entertain yourself when you are bored, no matter where you are.


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Mobile Content: An Expression Of Individuality

Cell phones were created with the purpose of facilitating communication on the go. With the advancement of technology, cell phones matured into devices that are able to send text messages, surf the internet and even play games. Today, cell phones are one of the most important items an individual could own. We bring our cell phones with us everywhere, and they have essentially become an extension of our own self and a way to express our own unique individuality.

Think about it. Your friends most likely all have cell phones. Each cell phone has a different background image, a unique ringtone and even a cute animated screensaver. No two cell phones are ever the same. Your friends have downloaded different games than you and purchased trendy faceplates to reflect their own personality.

The sales of mobile content and mobile accessories have sky-rocketed over the last few years and they are still expected to increase drastically. More and more cell phones are being purchased, and consumers are continually changing the look and feel of their own cell phone. This is definitely a market area of interest for savvy investors.

Opening a mobile content delivery store is the new thing. Successful business entrepreneurs are taking advantage of this new opportunity fast and making a name for themselves in the world of mobile media. “It’s easy”, says Larry Lehoux CEO of the Data Corp a leading developer in mobile delivery software. “We’ve taken a very complicated process and made it simple. Mobiletoolbox, provides all the tools needed to sell mobile media- including content conversion, mobile delivery and sales management.”


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