Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Battle Fantasia: Story Mode 100% and EoDB

Battle Fantasia Platinum Trophy Trophies: 60/62

Finally, I managed to obtain 100% story completion for every character in story mode. Although not that hard, its very time consuming. There are 2 path for every character and to unlock it there are certain requirements to be met. Like for example urs, he needs to win the match againts olivia by time out. And did I tell you that you need to win and lose every battle in Path01 or Path02? I always fell asleep when I had to do this time consuming task, waiting for the computer to beat me. But the stroryline is interesting though, there are some characters which dwelve into storyline completely different from the original story. Like Deathbringer's for example, the storyline changed to Battle Sentai Fantasia where all the character that he would fight seems to use gimicks from popular Sentai (Power Rangers, Kamen Rider, etc) and there are storyline that tells the true story of the game, like for example the real reason for Deathbringer's current state and who is Dokurod, and characters relationship with one another... man, this truly feels like an RPG game rather than a Fighting game as the storyline (Path 01 usually) gives more depth to the character's background story and sucks you into their adventure.

Anyway, all that has passed now, the requirements has been met, and I was happy to unlock alternate costumes for all the characters as some alternate even changed the whole appearance of the character giving it a fresh new look. Of all the unlockables I get from the story mode, the best is The End of Deathbringer, which is the final boss of the game. Its like Deathbringer, but with a completely new powerful moveset with the most powerful final attack in the game, the Apocalypse Flame. The move which I need to learn to gatchi in order to prepare me for the final battle against him in the Arcade match.

In practice mode, you can record a move for the cpu to do and when you play it back, it will repeat the same move all over again. I entered the button combination for the apocalypse flame which is Down Back B / D, and do it 3 times. The third time, EoDB will perform his apocalypse flame. Training with him I've managed to gatchi all 22 hits of the AF about 70% of the time. However when I fight him in arcade, I never manage to perfect the gatchi... stage fright perhaps? Anyway, this is the lask task I need to do to complete this game.

While finishing the end task for Battle Fantasia, I am also casually (read: devoted) playing the new Mortal Kombat. As PSN is still down as of today 26-April-2011, I think I will set the Battle Fantasia's task the first priority before I delve into MK online mode which will definitely take away 90% of my gaming time.

And, I really need to update my Backloggery

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Gamespot Incorrect Achievement & Trophy Bug

Its baack.. Well actually I've started having this problem in January 2011. But then by Feb, the problem seems to vanish and the correct trophy started showing. However this past few days, the problem started to resurface. But with a little catch, below your status in your profile page, the trophies shown are correct. As you can see below.


It is when you click on the "My Achievements" page that the icons started to jumble up. It does not seem to effect my Street Fighter IV trophies however.


I know the Gamespot's crew are trying their best to solve this problem and I hope that they will manage to end this returning bug once and for all.


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Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Gamespot Plus: Registration

Rank: Plus Subscriber

Today marks the day that I opted to register as a Gamespot Plus member. Throughout the years I have been a registered user at Gamespot albeit not an active one. This all changed when I bought my PS3. I had been going through Gamespot, all and about looking for informations, updates and videos of my games. I have also participated in forums to obtain and share knowledge with fellow gamers and in the process made some new friends as well.

After all that I get from gamespot, I felt obliged to actually register myself as a Gamespot plus member today. I hope this endeavor would prove fulfilling to my cause to be a gamer with a good gamers code and in making video games a tool to unify all the people in the world regardless of race, culture and religion. And also, Carving My Own Legacy in this big blue planet we call Home.


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