Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Turning Back Time

Sonic Gems Collection Boxshot 
Sonic Gems Collection (PS2)

My daughter had finally got bored with some of the games for the PS3. So she decided to play my old PS2 game. My PS2 is still alive and well and is attached to a rather old (but usable) flat screen television. The game she currently playing is Sonic R in the Sonic Gems Collection. Although the cover is in Japanese, all the games inside are very much in English.
She played the Tag and Balloon mode. Whereas in Tag, she have to capture / Tag all the other characters that would try to run away. In Balloon mode, she have to find all the balloons scattered all over the stage. Since this is her new found talent (to control a character in a 3d third person environment) I was wondering whether I should help to unlock all the characters for her. As for now she is playing as the default character such as Sonic, Knuckles, Tails and Amy. Although she still enjoys the game, she sometime asked why some of the characters in the select screen has "X" slashed on their portrait. And I said that she can use the Yellow Sonic in this game which got her eyes shining for a moment there.
As I will definitely delve deeper into the game to unlock all the characters, I am hesitating whether or not I should log this game into my gaming log. This is because if I start, I would need to put all my PS2 titles into the log, and update accordingly inside My Backloggery and not to forget my Gamespot account as I have a couple if not 3 hundred or so title and even listing them all would take ages, or maybe I should list them as I play?
Let the thoughts run for a while, but I will definitely unlock all the character for Batrisyia's first.

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Monday, January 10, 2011

MK vs DC: Online Completed

Mortal Kombat vs. DC UniverseMK vs DC Universe Platinum Trophy
Trophies: 37/43

Finally completed the online requirement of the game. It was not that hard as the server is good and lag is of no issue, congratulation Midway, looking forward to fight online in the new Mortal Kombat coming soon. Anyway, back on my progress for MK vs DC, its all about finishing arcade mode with all the characters to view their story, and to perform all the fatalities, heroic brutalities and all the moves available to each character.

And I will finally get the 3rd Spot on Gamespot for this game :)

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Wednesday, January 05, 2011

MK vs DC: Onwards to the fights.

Mortal Kombat vs. DC UniverseMK vs DC Universe Platinum Trophy
Trophies: 32/43
After pushing my execution skills to the limit, the game finally succumb to defeat and I was able to finish all of the characters combo challenge. Tip for completing the combo challenge? Well. for me, whenever I do each character Kombo challenge, I tend to stop when I reach the hard ones, and continue to perform other character Kombo challenge. Then after a while, I will get back to finishing the Kombo challenge I left earlier. I find that this is not the best method to do so.

I realized that each character has different timing and hit boxes to master. The best is to perform each character's Kombo challenge through and through. But who could stay all day and just Kombo away right? Well, I also did this, whenever I got bored or tired of one combo challenge, I just simply stop. maybe play other games or just hanging out with my daughter or play the PSN game Fat Princess with her. Whenever I come back to MK vs DC, I would always perform all the Kombo challenge from the first. Meaning I don't simply continue to the one's I haven't finish, I perform it back from the start. This method would get my muscle memory back for that current character, it would make me remember their timing and hit boxes. And this just simplify everything. It helps to reduce the stress too. :)

Now, all that is left is to fight in the arcade mode, and online and also perform some fatalities and heroic brutality. I think I will plat this game yet.

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