Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Where in the hell is he now?

Yesterday I got a chance to play Dante's Inferno after losing a few rounds in Sonic and Sega All Star Racing to my daughter. I fought Dante's father in the Greed section of the hell and continued on to fight my way to the city of Dis. On my journey to this city, I was able to control the demon phlegyas who is actually a DemiGod that was slain by Apollo during the Olympians reign. He is a gigantic demon that Dante uses as a ride to break into the city of Dis. I am now stuck at the place where a giant statue is situated whereas the statue's head broke when flashed by a light when I pulled a lever to ascend it.


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Greatest day of my life

I would like to thank God for this is one of the happiest day of my life. Definitely, The Almighty has given so much to me, Alhamdulillah Subhanallah Allahu Akhbar. Today, 21st July 2010 we went for check up due to my wife not feeling so well. The doctor asked if she was pregnant. We did utilized the pregnancy test kit and it showed positive result. In order to confirm, the doctor ordered an ultrasound scan.

It is confirm, my wife is carrying our second child (Batrisyia my first daughter is already 3 years old and have kept asking for a baby to play with). However, there is more to this news than meets the eyes .. the ultrasound actually showing signs of 2 baby. To our surprise my wife is actually carrying twin!

Although.. the doctor said that one of the twin is too small compared to the dominant one. So chances of success is slim. But, I will still pray that the baby would fight on, and continue to live with his twin in the womb. An attest of how survival fits the natural desire of the human heart. Ganbate!, insyaallah, you will prevail.


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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What am I playing right now?

Just as a video game log for myself. After 2-3 weeks heavy shopping in Amazon and Ebay. I have acquired some nice PS3 games for my daughter and I. Well, mostly for her as some of the title I bought was children titles that I only get for old memory sake.

So now, the games that I am playing are:

- Dante's Inferno (Not playing when my daughter is around due to the graphicality of the game)
- Sonic Unleashed (referred to as Sonic Wolf by my daughter)
- Sonic and Sega All - Star racing (Referred to as Sonic Car by my daughter)

All I can say for the moment is I truly find these games enjoyable and to my liking.


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Darksiders - Part 3

This is just an update, I have actually finished playing Darksiders, well to be precised, I have managed to defeat and platted the game on 11th April 2010. So long War, may we meet again in another game.

"How could you forget that stare?"


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Fly Me To The Moon

I must say, that I never really liked to play a game where the Protagonist is a female. Not that I don't like girls, on contraire, I really love them, its just that in my mindset, coming from the background of playing games where the boys / man are the heroes and the girls / woman are the damsels in distress, I see woman as the one who should be protected and loved instead of them fighting of hordes and hordes of monsters and they are the one protecting the man.

A picture made by Google123 of DeviantArt
Her slender body, matched with a music to par, dancing while pouncing on the enemies are truly a sight to be hold
That all changed when I play Bayonetta. It is hard to accept at first, one so beautiful and graceful could become so benevolent with huge armory of weaponry and moves to kill even the most monstrous of opponents.
Fly me to the moon, and let me stay among the stars, let me see how spring is like on jupiter or mars
It feels like the memory of watching all that sailormoon anime back in my childhood haunts me still while playing this game. Although the roughness and toughness of Bayonetta's personality (yet somehow she showed a woman's sweet, lovable and chicky persona that we love) reminded me that this is not your typical anime cartoon.
Although it seems hard to control her at first, due to lots of weapons, magic and move sets to learn and muster. But after much hard fought battles, the skills and moves seems to be engraved to my muscle memory whereas when surrounded by group of enemies, I would know which enemy attacks first and dodge the attack and trigger the witch time. And when in Witch Time, all my combos would simply be lashed out almost automatically.
The combos I liked the most are the shuraba and durga (fire) combination.
P, P, K (Hold), K (Hold) and repeat
The two slashes would keep enemies at bay while the kick (hold) would trigger a bomb and the other kick (hold) would trigger another bomb. These bombs would trigger an explosion on impact, or just blow away in a few seconds untouched. I tried it on a Beloved and it took a hefty half bar damage of the enemy (per bomb!).
This is truly a wonderful game. All that is left for me in this game is to defeat the last of the Lumen Sage, no not Balder,
**** Spoiler Alert *****

- Picture is intentionally left small -


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