Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Completed! Modern Warfare 2 Spec Ops
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Trophies: 48/48
After 2 years, I have finally managed to master Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Looking back, the reason I didn't manage to complete this game was the lack of skill in fps /action game. I stop playing the game after I have completed the main part of the story, to my surprise, in order to Plat this game, I needed to beat it in Hard and Crushing mode. Back then I was new to PS3 and felt like being bullied by the A.I, I have decided to quit the game. After I completed Bayonetta and BattleFantasia earlier this year, the games that raises my awareness, agility and cunningness handling the Dual Shock 3, I was thirsty for more action. And looking at the shelf, I saw Uncharted: Drake's Fortune seemingly challenging me, tempting me to finish it. I did, and this 2 years have proved to level up my gaming abilities where the A.I in the game was just another bad guy.
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Trophies: 47/51
This FPS tends to get more and more exciting for me this year than it ever did last year. This is due to the fact that I love FPS now more than ever after finishing Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (although UC: DF is actually a third person action game ) I am now trying to finish the Spec Ops mode of the game. It is fun going at it alone, but some of the mission requires 2 players. I remembered back when I first bought this game, I bought two units instead of one. Bought it for a friend. Hoped that we could play this game together, even bought a bluetooth headset along, but to my surprise, he completed the spec ops mission with another friend and I was left to battle the spec ops alone. Well, no harms done, it did develop my fps skills even more and I can now settle most of the mission alone, by learning some tips from youtube videos. But having a company is not bad at all. I might finish the spec ops along with a new friend I made from a forum. The problem is to find the suitable time to play it.
Labels: Modern Warfare, Uncharted
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