Darksiders - Part 2
My second playthrough yesterday had gotten me more skillful in combos and combat system. I would do the "Whirl Wind Combo" then before the second phase finishes, I'll just hold square, War would then rush for an uppercut and jump together with the enemy, you can then either juggle the opponent by tapping square, or if you just hold the square button after the uppercut, War would then do the "Flipsaw" a summersault attack while holding the blade towards the enemy. This combo would finish any "weak" or "strong" enemies, however for the "powerful" ones, I would start with the "Whirl Wind Combo" then I would either go for the "Sword Uppercut" or the "Harpoon Tackle". Then I would analyze the enemy's reaction, if they just go on and block, I would start the combo again, should they tried to attack me, after the "Sword Uppercut", I would just dash backward using "Meteor Strike". If only they add more jump dash, coz for the moment, I could only dash once. I would really love if they could add few more dashes and give War the ability to finish enemies while in the air, a sort of different attack rather than waiting for the enemy to fall down and finishing it on the ground.
About the storyline and a bit of gameplay, I met "Ulthane" a sort of blacksmith and huge type character. At first, I had to fight him. I could not hurt him at all, but that all changes when I activated my "Chaos Form" after I got a few rounds at him, a group of angels appeared and threaten to attack me and Ulthane. Ulthane said bring it on, and I was caught in the heat of battle (not that I don't feisty any) Ulthane and I compete to see which of us kills more angels than the other. During this time, Ulthane and I didn't and cannot attack each other, we are a team, man, what a brotherly feeling. Makes me love this game even more. Further ahead into the fights, I encountered an angel holding a sort of a light cannon, which shoots light energy beam. War would hold this weapon like Drake (from Uncharted) holding a gattling gun. Moving around, firing the cannon reminisce me of the time when I played Giants: Citizen Kabuto.
After winning the competition against Ulthane (killed 10 - 13 more angels than him) I was on my way to find "Griever", one of the chosen and was my main quest. It is an insect like but a massive monster (kinda remind you of Scrabs from Oddworld) Inside its lair, I found the tremor gauntlet which enables me to break the crystal like obstacles (I might go back to twilight cathedral to use this on a door)
About my abyssal armor collection progress, I have now managed to collect 7 piece of the armor. Only 3 more to go. Feels like finishing this game tonight.
Still wondering whether to get God Of War 3 Or not.
Just buy it and regret later just like you normally would
- Update: The name of the light cannon is "Redemption Cannon"
Labels: Darksiders
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