Modern Warfare 2 Completed!

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Platinum Trophy Trophies: 51/51

I have finally completed the final requirement for the game, the spec ops misson. At first, getting back to the game after some heavy fighting and RPG games, I tend to lose focus and my aiming scatters.

There was one mission, Big Brother, where I need to have a second player to play it. Luckily I got an online friend to help. Thank you GlobalFreq, for making my dream in completing this game turning to reality.

We only had that one full session of mission to get to know each other. He was one hella good comrade to have and we managed to finish the mission in some few good tries.

After the mission with him, I continued my journey to solo the other spec ops. The one that was most difficult for me always involved in me fighting juggernauts, heavily armored, hard to kill and kept on ramming to you while firing their machine guns. I remembered the last mission on echo, where you need to fend off more than 10 jugs in the favela. With only a grenade luncher and some rpds, I need to work around the jugs by hiding beside the cars and kept attacking, while watching myself of any sudden attack on the rear or side. Funnily enuf, if you position yourself right near the burned / destroyed car, the jugs could not attack you, and if you fire the grenade while hiding, the jugs would just stay there and do nothing. It did take me tries as when the number of jugs gotten below 5, they tend to divide and conquer, attacking me from different angles.

Another hard one is the snatch and grab mission where you need to battle shadow company and few jugs. The shadow company soldiers really have good aims and know when to hide. They would fire at me until I almost bleed to death and when I try to retaliate using the sniper, they would hide away and scramble position by communicating among them. After getting to the last part/area of the mission, I found a spot where I can hide inside a broken airplane. Its just a cramped small space, enuf for one person to crawl inside. While inside this, I managed to kill some few shadow company and a few jugs as well. Which greatly enhanced my chance of winning instead of fighting them head to head. But, being down their feet, crawling like some kind of insect while the go about to find an angle to shoot you is terrorizing.

Battling jugs on the oil refinery in echo is also a good memory for me. I learned that the sniper weapon barret .cal is an excellent choice in holding them back. But one need to shoot above the chest area. In the mission, I set up some mines to help me along the way.

All in all, I had a great time with this game and am really looking forward to Modern Warfare 3. I proved to myself that if I tried hard enuf to achieve something, I would get it someday and triumphant along with new skills i developed along the way. I would definitely remember what a friend of mine did to me, leaving me alone to fight the spec ops alone, ut its thanks to him that I found some good new friends to play online with and mastered some key FPS skills that would help me in my journey of gaming. Next on my list should be Final Fantasy XIII.

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