Battle Fantasia: Japan, this one is for you!

Battle Fantasia Platinum Trophy Trophies: 46/62


After some gaming time hiatus (actually, I got bored and don't know what to play) I've decided to continue my endless backloggery of unfinished game. I chose to play Battle Fantasia and complete this game.

As we all know, Japan, the country where chrono cross, final fantasy, metal gear solid, kingdom hearts and many other great games hail from, have been hit by an earthquake of 8.9 magnitude leading to several aftershocks afterwards which latest is the 27th Of March's (as of this writing and to my knowledge).

Many people from around the world rallied together to provide a helping hand to japan. The Gaming industry had also take part in this mission of kindness, namely some of the game composers have proposed to develop an Album in which the profit gained from selling this album would go to the AID Japan fund. A Theme for the PS3 have also been developed and which you can buy at $2, $5, $10, $25 and $50 from your wallet at playstation store. I have yet to buy this theme.

Alas, for me as a gamer, seeing how the industry is taking part in this noble endeavor, I have decided to dedicate one of the hardest (if not, impossible) Platinum trophy of all time to Japan. I will platinum Battle Fantasia and at the same time pray that all is well in Japan and that they can muster the strength and willpower to get back on their feet and their industry mainly the gaming industry would continue to provide us with excellent titles that they had always been.

Before tears start flowing in my eyes, I leave this post with something to ponder.

I cried when god gave me rain in such a bright day, But I smiled later knowing that god was actually showing me a rainbow.

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