Battle Fantasia: All story completed!

Battle Fantasia Platinum Trophy Trophies: 55/62

I have managed to complete the storyline for all the characters, and I can say that some of the characters have a very interesting storyline. Anyway, looking back at the character select screen in story mode, I saw that the completion for a character's story that I've done is only at 30% at most 50%.

It seems like in order to complete a character's storyline at 100%, you would need to loose every fight and continue, then you must choose a different path in the storyline by performing a move / taunt during "Gachi Battle". This is the battle that would change the path of the character's storyline. Like for example when using Ashley, in a fight with Coyori, successfully perform a taunt, and this will change the outcome of the battle (should you win). After getting to 50%, you would get an alternate costume for the character. And at 90%, you would get another alternate costume for that character.

Completing the story mode for all character at 100% is benificial to me as I want to unlock the character The End Of Deathbringer. And I want to practice parrying / gatchi his attacks in practice mode so that it would be easier for me to do the almost imposible task to complete this game. That is, ehem "In single player arcade mode, on a difficulty higher than NORMAL, survive Deathbringer's Apocalypse Flame attack and win the round with full health." Firstly, the move is like 20+ hit, and Deathbringer (The End) is the final boss of the game and you are expected to parry (not block, coz it will chip of your health) every move he got including the Apocalypse Flame and win the round with full health.

I know its not impossible, but for now, I think I would unlock Deathbringer (The End) and spar with him in practice mode until I understand all of his move set and how to defeat him flawlessly.

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